This is my first map post, please inform me about any faults and I'll try fixing them. Sandstrike Size: Small Players: 2-4 Gametypes: Slayer (Flag*) Layout: Symmetrical Description: Sandstrike is a small map made in the crypt od Sandbox. Mainly made for 1v1 slayer although it works well for 3 people FFA or 2v2. The map has a power position in the form of it's bunker wich features wooden floor and ramps, thus making grenade throwing difficult due to it's poor bouncyness. The Sniper with its short respawn time does a very good work in keeping players on the move and the opposing Mauler makes basecamping difficult. *There are spawns for CtF placed, but it has lacked gameplay testing and only been played once with MLG CtF, with reduced respawntime to 3 sec. Weapons: 2 Carbines (30 sec), 4 BRs (30 sec), 1 Mauler (1 min, 1 extra mag), 1 Sniper (1 min, 1 extra mag), 4x2 Plasma Grenades and 3x2 Frag Grenades Screenshots: Overview of the map (Sniper at top, bunker at bottom of pic): Sniper spawn: Mauler spawn under bunker: Inside of Bunker: Front of Blue Base: And view from inside bunker: Download Map
This map looks like its really good, and it seems like you put a lot of time and effort into it. As far as I can tell, this map seems totally perfect. But I cant really tell, because your pictures leave me wanting more. Good for a preveiw, but for a released map you want to take the time to put a lot of effort into showing every inch of playable space on your map. Also, if you jump ontop of the sidways wall in the second to last picture you can easily grenade jump out. Just letting you know, because people harp on that sorta thing. Edit: Nvm the grenade jump thing. I just tested it. But when I played I noticed some large imbalences. Meaning what is here one side is about a foot to the left on the other. Not a problem, but makes your map seem a little sloppy.
the only thing I see wrong is that the bunker looks a bit sloppy, not everything has to be the wood style look.
Thank you for your comments. Yes, I am aware that the bunker is about a feet missplaced, this is due to the fact thatwhen i had merged together one base and started using it as a reference point to find the center i place the boxes (Double Boxes) sideways. And as the boxes arn't exactly the same shape as two Large Boxes it kinda got a little too close. This is bad, I agree, but it's not really the kind of thing that wins entire games for one team who spawns on wichever side in the beginning. I made it entirely in wood for the bounce factor. The only part of the bunker i couldve made different and still not change this is the front, but then one of my friends said "No, make it wood, it looks better", and being who I am made me follow his wish. Atm I am also working on a 4v4 version of this map in the skybubble, and Im trying to be much more precise when it comes to placements and looks on this one.