Sandbox Sandstorm

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Noirtatsu, May 28, 2010.

  1. Noirtatsu

    Noirtatsu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    One of my older maps, I just decided to upload it...cant wait for feedback

    Download: : Halo 3 File Details

    Weapons List:

    BR: 12
    AR: 2
    Plasma Rifle: 2
    Plasma Pistol: 2
    Magnum: 2
    Carbine: 4
    Rockets: 2
    Shotgun: 2
    Sniper Rifle: 2
    Brute Shot: 2
    Mauler: 2

    Vehicles List:

    Overshield (spwns every 120 secs)








    Sliced Cheese Cuts

    Download: : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Noirtatsu, May 28, 2010
    Last edited: May 28, 2010
  2. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am worried for your gameplay. You have a warthog on each side, and LOTS of open space. You are probably thinking now: "Wait...but Sandbox has the same thing." There is a big difference though. Sandbox also has a missile pod for each side, as well as lots of sticky grenades, a power drain and such. You only have a rocket on each side. I am worried that the whole game will be decided by the best warthog team at 'camping' on the dunes.

    To fix this: add lots of plasma nades to each side, energy drain each side, or maybe a central laser. Or take the jeeps out. This is speculation though. I cant play anything for another 2 weeks.

    As for the design, I like the use of wood. One thing people like is when you merge in the stone platforms so they can be walked on easily without being up a little, like a wall lying flat on the ground. You left the middle very open, which is sometimes good, but often bad if the base offers too much cover from the middle. Then people tend to stay at home. Also, the turrets point to the middle will, together with the bases, make it so NOBODY will EVER go there. It is too dangerous. Especially with jeeps.

    As for the area where there is one jump up to a scaffolding, and then from there a jump to wooden roofs/porches, I think there should definitely be a second way up.

    As far as style goes, on your next map, try using pieces in an unconventional way- think outside the box. Every piece is straight up and down, and you might find you can make cool shapes or structures by experimenting with rotating and merging.

    Looks well thought out. I want more maps :).
    #2 E inglourious 3, May 28, 2010
    Last edited: May 28, 2010
  3. Noirtatsu

    Noirtatsu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thx for your feedback, I agree with you but remember this is one of my first maps, like 2 years old (lol), just wanted to put it on here for kicks :) but yeah I usually stick to forging small FFA/1v1 maps but still thank you for your feedback
  4. Fatgezzer724

    Fatgezzer724 Ancient
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    No offence, but it looks like the kind of map you would find on Bungie Favorites, Its too simple and open, Maybe play around with spawns and add more objects for better asthetics
  5. Noirtatsu

    Noirtatsu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would but but I dont make Team maps anymore i just stick to 1v1/ffa maps, but maybe someday i might remake this map, its pritty old (like when sandbox first came
  6. V

    V Ancient
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    No offense, but it looks like all your map posts lack the intelligence and necessary knowledge of the map you're supposed to be giving feedback on to give your said comments the potential to actually be a semi decent help to the community. Maybe if you actually downloaded and played the maps as opposed to looking at pictures and half-assing it, and I can barely call it that, you wouldn't sound like a troll. Kthxbai.

    ANYways, while the map is nothing feature worthy, and trust me when I say I don't mean that in a bad way (featured maps go above and beyond the mark for great gameplay and aesthetics and whatnot), this map plays very well. There is enough cover so you can venture out and not be a sitting duck, but there was plenty of room to run through in a Hog and nothing seemed too dominating, perhaps maybe lowering the ammo in the snipers would balance things out a little better (we always found one person getting a **** ton of kills with said sniper). But other than that, this is a very good map gameplay-wise. Carry that over into later creations with your own aesthetic masterpieces (which you'll develop from forging more) and I can't wait to see what you'll do next.
  7. Noirtatsu

    Noirtatsu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, yeah ive been told tht i need to cut down on the ammo but ive herd more complaints on the rockets. But yeah i have other maps if your interested in looking at (, and right now im working on three other maps 1 on foundry tht is a remake(more of a redo consisdering the amount of money and objects but same basic concept) and 2 on longshore 1 in the water and one outside the map....I should have them up soon :D

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