I'm currently in the process of a V2, I have modified the weapong layout, closed off the middle structure, fixed up the roof and interlocked EVERYTHING! (Spent almost two whole days on that last part.) Does anybody have any comments on what other tweeks the map could use? I would like to know something besides "its sloppy".
you mentioned the floor was intentionally bumpy, i'd take that out, no one likes it and eventually people will think you saying that when it was just "sloppy" (sorry to use that word) but yeah everything you say and smooth out the floor =)
I interlocked the floor, which made it a bit smoother. But, it is still a little rough.(which I like, and it eliminates the 'lazy' argument.) I wouldn't mind some testing help it anyone is willing.
how do you spend a month on the old version, then build the completely new, interlocked version in TWO DAYS. Im sorry, but seriously, that puzzles me. And people have the right to say its sloppy, because the roof is pathetic, the spawns and wood bridges are uneven, and the only things you interlocked DIDNT NEED TO BE INTERLOCKED. ex: that random ramp large sticking out of the wall.