Welcome to version 2 of Sandstone. A small small-symmetrical map with a floor which can sometimes get a little bumpy and mess with your line of sight; meaning yo may wanna take that AR along for the ride. The Bruteshot has been removed. Each base now has a S-Beam, mauler, sniper, br, 2 SMGs, regen, bubble shield, 2 frags, and a spike. Sitting around the map are 2 ARs, 2 Carbines, 4 plasmas, and (by popular demand from my small group of testers.) A flamethrower. The plasma cannon still sits atop its hill, deadlier than ever thanks to the absent catwalks. Crossview: I cut down on the items by removing the roof and hieghtening the walls. it still isn't pretty, but you're not escaping from it: Bluebase now has its sniper much closer to the start: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Also, before insulting my map like crazy this time, please download it.
First off, I know it isn't intended to be asthetically pleasing, but the walls on the top look grotesque, and the map itself looks to be kind of messy and random. There are a ton of places to where it is too close quarters and have long range/heavy weapons (Picture #2 with the turret), and the lighting is a little hard on the eyes. I would say this map has a lot of room for improvement, and it's no DL for me. However, if you make it more asthetically pleasing and open up the areas a bit more, then I would definately look forward to a V2 sometime.
Um... this is a V2. Anyway, while in and around the bases are very CQC focused areas, the turret usually ends up breaking this up. What are to fighting AR guys gonna do when a turret stats unloading on them? I wanted the geometry to look catchy, whick is why I randomly placed it, only worrying about how evenly matched the two sides were. As for the long-range weapons like the BR and Sniper; they get their most use out of the north courtyard (not shown) which is a snipers paradise. Nice and open with an awesome Line of Sight. Also, who cares about the top walls? I don't run around in a match looking up at the ceiling.