edit: fixed images. sandbox levels Created by Lemonxreaper and defence plox Supported Gametypes: Fat Kid Plague Lord terminators sandinmyfatkid - details bottom of page. Map Description a remake of the much loved foundry infection map called levels. the original was made by sargeant JJ. (loads of people have tried ripping it off him) the map has brilliant gameplay with 7 (!!) levels. worth the look and download. youtube video keep together! ahh the zombie is coming! zombie should watch his radar more! cornered! sandinmyfatkid its simply a modified version of the traditional fat kid variant. humans spawn with assault rifles and rockets and have slighty higher gravity setting than usual to stop any breaking out of map (not noticable). alpha zombie has sword and hammer as usual but has 50% speed instead of 25%. humans also have no radar to balance it out a bit. grenade regen on humans for little help. Download sandinmylevels
yah man i want you to fix those pix cus this is a great map, i used to play the old one a lot with my friends. I watched the video and the map looks amazing I also downloaded it. Good Luck
While the map looks cool and was probably time consuming... 1.) I hope there's no way out of the 7 levels. 2.) There is no way I'd play fat kid on this map. It takes long enough for the fat kid to just get up 4 levels. 3.) Provide details on your game type... sandinmyfatkid. I wouldn't waste a download without more information. If people can get out of the map, forget it. I wouldn't waste my time with the game or map. Everyone will get out of the map and the fat kid will quit. If the fat kid has speed set at 25%, it will take forever for a fat kid to get up 7 levels... and if they did make it up 7 levels and everyone jumped down, the fat kid would quit.
1. u cant get out... at all.... 2. its good with fat kid but better with the respected gametype 2. its same as fat kid except people spawn with assault rifles and rockets. fat kid has 50% instead of 25% etc. ill edit my post for more details.
thanks for posting this defence plox, i just got a forge hub acount. for those wondering: alot of fun was had during tests it took ages to finalise becuase we kept running out of objects. spawns work fine theres no way out of the map exept on to of a tunnel but with a bit of sense those pesky humans can easily be taken out time taken:aprox 4 hours. if the tunnel gets really annoying i will try to find a way to fix it. have fun.
i hated that old game, no real skill needed at a certain point and people get like 75 kills on a turret. no teamwork or strategy needed, you just shoot
Wtf!!! look i enjoy a good objective/tactical game as musch as the next guy but your opinoin of a gametype you havent even tried is almost errelevant. we are asking people to judge the map, i agree that fat kid on the old map can be annoying thats only if your playing with randomers (as it is with most games). instead try playing with a group of friends. if u find a better gametype for the map go ahead and post it. but please people judge the map not the gametype!!!