[[SandForge]] (the perfect canvas)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by BIGGnelson, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    Created by: BIGGnelson
    Description: "The Perfect Canvas" (Mistake Free(Find one and you get sexy points))

    Mods if there is any better place for this please feel free to move


    Sandforge was created because I have been annoyed by every canvas/stacked map out there so far so i created Sandforge to be the perfect canvas map on Sandbox. On some canvas maps the creator forgot to move objectives or there objects are simply in the way!
    Its annoying

    Fear not this has been solved

    I instead of stacking all the objects in the Skybox, crypt, or just in the sand thought of a better alternative. I will have them floating outside of the skybox that way where ever you are buliding the objects are not in your way. There is a teleporter outside the map that will take you to the crypt and if you need to take stuff to the sand just fly down in. You need it in skybox?? Just fly in there is nothing stopping you.

    Towers Blocked

    Towers are also blocked because I thought it would be nice to have them there and if you do not need them just simply delete them. This dramatically increases the size of the sand section of Sandbox i hope that I have set the standard for the best canvas map and that i have made it more convenient for you as well as myself.

    Heres an overview of where the objects are they are stacked and arranged.​

    Hope you enjoy this canvas it took me a long time and was probaly the most boring thing i have ever done in halo.
    Edit: Many of you have asked why the objects are on map and why not empty this is because when bungie made this they relaized that many players would now be hitting the object limit (total # of objects allowed on map) so they preplaced objects that don't count towards object limit so when you delete these objects it will not add to your item limit but it will to your budget so use these objects as much as you can and if theres somthing you won't use and you need money just delete something that will be unused
    Hope that clears some stuff up
    Suggestion to make this better???
    Post them Right down there
    #1 BIGGnelson, Mar 7, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  2. Sw0rdMast3r1

    Sw0rdMast3r1 Ancient
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    Wait why are all the objects on the map? for a budget glitch?
  3. coolaid55

    coolaid55 Ancient
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    This, good sir, is by far the best canvas on sandbox i have ever seen. Congratulations. By the way, how did you move the objects out of the limits of the skybubble?
  4. Rubber Duck

    Rubber Duck Ancient
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    finally, someone who knows how to clear every object off the map and put it some where else.

    no I'm just playing ^-^ you have made my life so much easier with this thank you, THANK YOU!
  5. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    hold on, what's the point of keeping the default objects there, if you fill the 640 object limit, can't you still spawn the objects bungie placed on the map?
  6. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    The place that you chose to store the default objects is definitely the most convenient. I suggest that you make it neater though. It is very sloppily stacked. Place the objects as neatly and as organized as this map, but have them in the same spot of the skybox, and this will be the best OLN Canvas ever created.
  7. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Well, I do like the fact that you put all the objects outside the map, and that you blocked off the towers, but the other canvases were arranged a little neater. I may have to re-arrange the objects, but overall, I think you did a good job!
  8. sunder1111

    sunder1111 Ancient
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    You are right this must have really been boring for you. Sorry for your troubles, but thank you for making life so much easier. Great idea by the way, by putting the default objects outside of he map.
  9. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    dude whats the point of neatness when you are just gona be moving them anyway?

    come on now seriously'? lets not get TOO bitchy shall we?
  10. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    No offense dude but I'll keep the OLN canvas I have. The objects are more organized, the post above mine mentions neatness not being important is completely wrong. Neatness makes it easier to find what you are looking for and get it out so that you can use it.

    As for floating everything, that's honestly just a waste of time. The Sky box is HUGE! Much bigger than any map you could make on it, just use a different area of it away from the objects already placed.

    Everyone trying to make a name for themselves by making something we already have a dozen of is pointless and more oftan than not, just fails.
  11. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    They are there so that you maintain the budget limit and can place as many objects as possible if you need more money or more objects simply grab one of the items stacked outside the map and then when your done forging you can

    I have to completely disagree with you the location of the objects is easily the most convenient it personally bugged me that the objects on most sandbox canvas maps were stacked in my building are if that doesn't bug you then go ahead and keep what you have but for many this is what they want.
  12. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    You specifically have to build in the exact area under the teleporter that goes to the main level?

    You can't build anywhere else in the couple square kilometers of gamespace?

    That takes nit-picking to a new high mate. Damn near obsessive compulsive.
    Most maps are made in the center of the skybox because that area gives you the most room for expansion in any direction. And unless you are building a very flat map with no ups or downs in it other than the different thicknesses of objects you will not fill up the entire space up there. And even then you more than likely wont.

    I've got nothing more to add except to re state what I have already said. How about you spend some time making a fun and interesting map instead of a crappy version of something we already have.

    Good on you for trying to help mate, seriously. But surely you can do something better.
  13. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    The reason this is a good canvas is that there was no other canvas so far that blocks off the towers and also deals with the OLN; sure some organizing could be useful, but other than that, it's got its niche.
  14. Plyc

    Plyc Ancient
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    Good map. I've been wanting to find one with the towers blocked for awhile.
  15. TFO surts3y

    TFO surts3y Ancient
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    WOW! I am very new to these forums. I come from grifball.com to find some fun things to play in the offseason and I have to ask why rip on someone that is just trying to help people out? Seriously, he did not have to do this and I am sure it took along time. I have ben browsing these fourms and it seems that people are very mean and disrespectful. Honestly it kind of turns me off and makes me want to exit the browser.
  16. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Mate the griflball forums are worse. A more cocky, arrogant, elitist lot I have yet to see. Worse than MLG.
  17. SkullBad

    SkullBad Ancient
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    is there any canvas with the objects all deleted i mean not that ist not helpful but i dont like always spawnig in the skybox and most of my maps are up there and in the crypt and on the dunes... wait oh yeah I USE ALL 3 SPACES!
  18. dread armadillo

    dread armadillo Ancient
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    I don't get it, what's the point of keeping all the default items on the map? When I load up the map its not as if the objects don't count towards the budget. They all take up space on the budget and I enter the game with a budget of $420 as opposed to over $1000. It's annoying.
  19. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    this is really good but the question that boggles my mind is why do we need all the default items on the map anyway?

    is this budget glitched?

    what happens if all the items are deleted?

  20. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    The point of keeping the default objects on the map (like many
    of you have asked) Is because when Bungie made Sandbox, they
    made it so when the default items are deleted, they don't got back
    to your OLN and Budget. At least, that what I've heard as I don't
    own the map yet.

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