Hi I'm Cobbler and I'm new. Please keep in mind that this is my first Sandbox map, and I have waay better ones, I just wanted to post this one because it's more of a non-serious map. And I'm not really sure why it's in the Sky Bubble. Maybe I'll make another one? Ok, so Sandcastle is based off of the Standoff Skycastle, because my friends and I really enjoyed that map. It has a couple of changes that I made as you can see. Overview Human Spawn Zombie Spawn Here's the link: Roof Sandcastle: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details (Sorry I don't know to to just make it the name)
Hello and welcome to Forgehub. Congratulations sir you have successfully posted you thread with a description, embedded pics, and a DL link. You are now doing better than maybe 60% of all people who come here and try to post a map without reading how to do so. As far as your map it is not bad at all. You explain that this is a casual map and meant for just having some fun. Nothing serious. I will tell you that there is a Forging 101 section that for all your future maps will greatly increase their value if you learn how to do everything in there. Once again great post and it looks to be a decent casual map. Also This is where you type what you want it to say[/url& replace the & at the end with a ] You also dont have to make it green
this has been done before but never mind this you should have really done in the middle box because then you don't have to make a base to drive around in. but sinse its your first map try visiting forrging 101 Forging 101 - Forge Hub This is the tut to forge so this will help you in every way.
Not bad, really, not bad for a first map, if you visit Forging 101 like david said, you'll improve your skills... but this kind of map is overused and the name too... Hahaha... But good job for a first map and nice first post by the way...
Stop that, it is incredibly patronising of newer members, alot of people dislike seeing it. Its not the nicest forged map I've seen, and its certainly not abiding by Sarge's infection map rules of ultimateness, so the gameplay could be pretty question able. =/ I'm not gonna download as its a sky castle and they always prove to loose party members, maybe you could make another type of map, read Sarge's guide for help.