Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details leads to my map and a pic of it... a picture is worth a 1000 words : ) picture also on the bottom Sandbox variant Sandcastle is a flexable map able to apapt to all gametypes. ideal for 6 or more players but when im lonely i play on it just to climb the map and race around -(i had 1 bomb, assault, team snipers,infection, swat and team slayer in mind)- - it takes place "ground" part of the map- The genaral description: the main feature of this map is its fort or castle, whatever you want to call it the castle is loacated in the center of the map, surrounding it are "houses" each "house" is climbable and all exept 2 can be entered, most houses are multi-leveled and have more then one entrance. Weapons , warthogs and "mongeese" are loacated in the "city" areas. Stronger weapons will be found in the corners of the houses (how many people have a rocket launcher laying around), but weapons in the fort/castle will be laying around. The city itself has loads of good sniper spots where you could score a easy sniper spree in a min or 2. Castle / fort description: The square fort has one main entrance ( but entrances can be found on the sides in the form of half walls with you can climb. When attacking the fort you can also be creative and deal out some "death from above" and jump from the higher roof of a house down onto the surprised fort defender below. Anyway the castle has a warthog (?gausse?) and a transport hornet located on the "keeps" roof. The "keep" is in the middle of the fort and has olny one entrance, the keep has 4 levels. The basement could be a campers paradise. Why? it has loads of close quarter power weapons and a overshield, the olny downside is that a wall slit that can be found outside the keep ( stick the camper ). the middle levels are not much but they can used to fire down on attackers if they managed to break into the castle. On the top floor a turret, beam rifle and a transport hornet are waiting for use. The hornet serves as a good lookout unit or intimadater but can be easly shot down from the houses that contain anti-hornet weapons, the turret also acts like a intimadater but also serves as a trap for snipers and the location serves as a good snipeing area. By the time you used to read this you could have downloaded and enjoyed my map, so hurry up and go have some fun. P.S. The creator of this map is Unquietemu (me) but for some reason it does not show it... Bungie help me! [/URL] http://haloscreenshots[/COLOR][/U][/URL]. [URL="http://[url]http//haloscreenshots.net/gallery/9B6CC84959998A67A30E2AB4D2922EC3/"][IMG]http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/medium/9B6CC84959998A67A30E2AB4D2922EC3.jpg[/URL]
WOW! dude this is awesome, its like a city. i think it would be better if you put more pics. cuz all i see well is the middle base. im sure othere ppl. are gonna ask for the same thing. but its a great map from what i can see. I will DL asap