I was just wondering, if Sanbox the mythic map is a really advanced map editor, will forge hub give you the same amount of credit for your map? I am not trying to complain just wanted to know.
I think we can safely say that sandbox will still be a rather simple map editor. It will probably just consist of objects and you will have to geomerge them an interlock them on your own. The only addition to sandbox will probably just be new objects, more room, Sand, and an outside environment. If sandbox was a really advanced map editor everything that I have previously loved about forge. It's simplicity and it's versatility will be completely drained and I will never fore again. and people would still get the same amount of credit for every map because the maps would be even better. ~forgegod117~
I think people will give you the same amount of credit as foundry. It basically is foundry just enlarged a lot and not a square but a rectangle.