I've noticed this quite a few times but I always thought it was just my imagination or that I had simply misplaced the walls somehow. But, as the perfectionist that I am, I want everything to be perfect to the last detail. Everything has to be lined up, at the same height and so on.. So after placing (in this case) the double walls on sandbox correctly I got tired and saved, then ended the session and took a short break. Then, as I was feeling ready to pick up where I left off I opened forge just as usual. And, not to my surprise, the walls had moved. Consider this an advice, do not place walls as floor in the skybubble. In fact, do not use walls as either floor nor roof because the walls will move, just a little, but enough to get your super soldier spartan to fly right up an astronauts a-hole (sorry, I'm a bit frustrated over this) upon returning into your previous forge session. Beware of the walls! Before and after pictures. NOTE: I noticed that I took pictures from opposite ends of the map, which might seem odd, but I ensure you, it's just as messed up on the other side. BEFORE AFTER Not sure if this has been posted before, but I searched the forum and found nothing. If it has been posted, then forgive me. But if it hasn't been posted, then I hope somebody can find this helpful. Happy new year!
yeah this has been known about for quite awhile. Bungie posted something about it on there website how to fix it slightly. The only recommendation is that you use walls for walls and blocks for floor.
Same problem which tons of people have complained about. I have found that by starting a new round before saving the problem is sometimes averted, and I always check to be sure its not happening and just replace anything that has changed. Forging offline can also sometimes help the problem.
There's no way to solve this. You have to use other pieces to get a purely straight surface. Why it is easier to save something "not straight" as opposed to straight, I will never know. This is still the most aggravating thing in Forge, imo.
Objects in forge always move when the map is saved and restarted. This movement has everything to do with the objects tear drop. A method that is often useful is to alternate the direction of the teardrops given a certain type of object if they are supposed to be lined up straight. For example, say a forger is making a block of out of fence boxes in a straight line, meaning even with the grid. He is ghost merging it and he merges all of the fence boxes perfectly without taking notice to the tear drop direction. When he saves and restarts, the once perfect fence box block off now looks awful. My solution for this type of problem is to alternate the direction of the tear drop. This method usually off sets the movement of forge objects if done correctly.
Didn't realize everybody already knew about this.. great, now I feel like a neanderthal haha! Thanks for the tips though, will look into altering the tear drop direction thingy!
hmm i tried the alternating and found nothing useful out of it.. this only happens with items with "sink" features.. doors did this in foundry and now all walls do this in sandbox. Basically, you have to take into account that A)The player can touch these "sink" features and B) When forging these Features have No Properties. So yeah, to get rid of your floor problem, you have to merge them perfectly along their sink parts, so when the game is saved and exited the properties dont push against each other and force one out the way. I usually merge my walls just into the actual wall, so both wall sections touch that way the merge stays between the two walls and not their no clip edges.