Can someone give me an idea for a racetrack on sandbox. I am really having trouble thinking of one. If your idea is good i will make the map, post it, and give you partial credit. And if I put the map on youtube I will mention you in the video.
So you're looking for a theme? If so i'd love to see a track in the dunes with hands and eyes coming out of the ground.
dude I will totally do that and ill send you a message on xbox live when its done. just send me a friends request so i have your gamertag. thanks for the idea.
i'm not really fond of making tracks with traps, for me they dont really turn out so great. give me another idea and i might make it. Nibs: I will surely take my time on the track. believe me, I want this one to turn out great.
Hey im will be home tomorrow so we can start recording... as for a map you should make a mid night club like track