SandBox or Last Resort - Convoy

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Darkfall55, May 11, 2009.

  1. Darkfall55

    Darkfall55 Ancient
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    Hey, I am kind of new to the forums and I just wanted to post a new map idea. I just started it on Last resort b4 I got mythic, but now that I have mythic I might think this map will be better on Snadbox because of its huge amount of space. Well.... here it goes.



    Convoy is a game where there are 2 sides. The attackers and Defenders. The point of the game is for the attackers(the convoy) to pass through the small enemy outposts and bases without getting killed, being able to capture the territories, then continue on the set path. This is pretty much alike real life military =D. Anyways, the convoy gets 2 tanks(can't have a convoy without a tank!) and thats it! Seriously though, the people that are not able to get in the tanks must travel behind the tanks on foot. But beware not! These foot soldiers have a very small, but EXTREMELY helpful armory before their convoy rolls out. When the players get in the tanks, the foot soldiers should be able to grab usefull weapons to proetct their tanks, their main pushers, such as....​

    - 1 Rocket
    - 1 Sniper Rifle
    - 1 Shotgun
    - 1 Flare
    - 1 Radar Jammer​

    Here is an explanation of how each weapon is useful in the field...​

    Rocket - Self Explanatory. When the Tanks have to recharge their missiles, these guys lend some report. Great for taking out targets with no cover, or men grouped together, getting ready to hijack your tanks.​

    Sniper Rifle - Great for taking down indivdual, exposed infantry. Also great for taking out people on the turrets whos head is poked out.​

    ShotGun - For those times your enemys are taking cover and you just cant seem to kill them from a range. Your shotgunner will rush into the outpost and blast the enemies, making it easy to capture the terrirtory.​

    Flare - when you are under heavy fire and have to take cover. Deploy and run. ALso helpful for the shotgunners needinmg to clear out the bases. Best used for foot soldiers.​

    radar Jammer - Again, deploy and rush into the enemy base. They won't see you coming!​

    With these weapons, it may be betetr to actually leave a tank to get somebody with a rocket or sniper to aid the convoy.​


    The defenders will have many outposts to utilize and take out the convoy. They will get an array of weapons such as plasma pistols,, rockets, snipers and power drains. I will limit the amount of weapons that disable the tank because that is the main fighting force for the convoy. Il give them a lot of cover to take down the convoy and maybe throw in some hard to see areas to help shrewd them in the shadows.​

    As you can see, if I am able to make this gametype, it may be pretty fun! Takes lots of strategy and planning to win at this game. Constant communication, like telling where major threats are, such as people with rockets, helps win this game, over brute force. Conserve your useful weapons for times of need, like th power drain with the defenders. Use it when the convoy is almost at the last territory and you can't seem to stop it. So if anybody is interested in hyelping me forge this, or adding to what I already have done on Last Resort. my GT is Darkfall117. Hit me up!​

    Btw: yes, I am only 13 :(. But I am very mature and won't mess around like other people my age. I am a hard worker! Well.... thats it, send me a friend request on XBL and we can get ready for forging. Oh, just a quick warning, I am kind of a perfectionist on forge!​
  2. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Excuse me, but as FH standards, you need to post pictures.
  3. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Hello there, welcome to forgehub. I can see that you're new here and still need to learn the ropes. This "map post" isn't up to Forgehub standards. First off, this is the map section, so unless you are posting a map or reply, nothing else goes here. If you have an idea for a map you can post it on the forge discussion page on the forums. Second, if this was a map you would need at least one picture and a link to the map. If you need some help learning how to post a map go to here.

    Now that you know this, just fix your mistake and look at the rules.

    I hope you learned from this and won't make that mistake again

    EDIT: Guys stop posting comments telling him this isn't up to standards. It is spam and will only get you in trouble as well. If you want to report this thread so badly then actually send a complaint about this thread.
    #3 Eternal Reconnaissance, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  4. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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  5. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    This isn't a map, it's just in the wrong section:

    This belongs in "Forge Discussion."

    This section is for completed maps only, in Forge Discussion you are free to express any ideas related to forge.

    To everyone who told him to post pictures:
    Learn to read and not just scan for screenshots of the map, then post when he doesn't have any.
    #5 Blue Pariot, May 11, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  6. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    Wow... people here have a very short attention span. It has been done as an Infection, but Territories would be very interesting. I would add something other than a second tank. A convoy is a group of different vehicles that rely on each other for support. So some Warthogs, a Tank and Mongooses would be better. Radar Jammer is kind of useless actually, since once they see a bunch of red dots flying around on their screen they'll know something's up. A good idea though, and I can see this being a fun game.
  7. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    This sounds like a very good idea. If you dont mind could i try to do something like this but i will mention the idea came from you
  8. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Check out a post called Skydive Convoy.
  9. Darkfall55

    Darkfall55 Ancient
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    Altright thx guys. Lol I am really new so I dont know where to post this. Since its not a finished map, its an idea, I really don't have any pics :(. But again, if anybody is interested hit me up!
  10. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    i have a sandtrap map that could be useful. it has a little outpost and a bridge made of teles, holders and radio antenas that spans the middle of the gap. my gt is Belly391 if you want to see it
  11. TheDom

    TheDom Ancient
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    Sounds like a great idea so long as the map lives up to it. I would agree though, not two tanks, but, say, a tank and a warthog would be good. Two tanks is just slightly overpowering.

    I can see some issues though, for example, how are you going to stop people just jumping down onto the convoy and hijacking the vehicles or getting into the armoury? I'm not sure whether turning vehicle use off disables hijacking. The armoury problem could be solved with a teleporter out of it and no way back though.
  12. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    It was already stated, Forge Discussion would be the place for future reference. Nevermind all the posts by people who didn't take the time to read your first sentence, wherein it stated this was a map idea not a completed map, and were therein unable to realize that you had posted in the wrong section by accident, not that you failed to comply with the rules for posting images with all completed maps, which this clearly is not.

    Welcome to FH and enjoy the forums!

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