Hey all Well I was just wondering if anyone here is working on some maps on Sandbox? If so, post the names here, Pic's if you have them, and some details to get people excited Im working on 3 atm An Ascension Remake Its going to take ages, but i got a reasonable amount done; but i appear to of come across an issue regarding the sides of the map; so its not going to be as accurate as i hoped :/ Still And 2 New maps, both for zombies, airlock, and confined Not much done on them, so i can't really shed much light (Y)
I love to see a teaser screenshot of ascension if you don't mint showing us, I am not currently working on a map as I don't have the map pack, but I am designing a secret project in sketchup (a remake), I will post screens and comparison screens when it's nearly fully designed.
I am currently finishing off my first sandbox map, and you can expect to see it in the forums soon. It is a skybox map.
O awesome Yea Sure, ill get a screenie up as soon as my friend can take one If your also working on Ascension, we could work together
Nope it's not ascension its actually not even a halo map. I come back to this thread later to see the screens, I look forward to it.
I just started working on my new map, Helljumper, and I hope I can stay within the budget. I figure It's gonna be a a bit like Valhalla to play. It has a pretty revolutionary control point system, but it will take some time to get working. It'll probably hit the forums over a week or 3-4.
Finally Mythic is released. Sandbox looks amazing, anyway I decided to post here because im making a secret project on Sandbox. I currently do not possess the Mythic Maps, but will when they go to X-box live Marketplace. I'm using the Sandbox Sketch-up. Details: Not showing pictures as of yet, because I really want this to be a secret. I'm almost done with my Sketch-up design, and will start making my map probaboly a week after I attain the Mythic Map Pack. I keep this project a secret till I'm 1/2 way through the forging design. I honestly believe that if I make this to my best forging abilities, that it will get featured. It's a Aesthetic map. Listen Up! Now ya I know someones going to say I'm too full of myself, or that Aesthetic maps dont get featured very often. I don't want to hear it! Esspecially from Yellow, or some other annoying Mod. ~ haha jk ~ Hopefully when I am 1/2 way done forging this thing, that you will get excited. There will be a Teaser Picture, and you might understand it, and you might not. But she is coming. I am currently deciding whether or not to make this map with a base around it. If there will be one, It'll reside in the skybubble, so you are able to gaze upon the beauty that is below... I say this because the Aesthetic part will be middle ground/main level. This map will be an Aesthetic beauty, and if there is a budget left over, a well planned out map in the sky. ( I'm planning that too) I will also be checking out forging in the other maps, so it will be a while, esspecially if the base comes into play. Guess What She'll Be: The clue is... " She's frozen in the sands, with no need for life. She's Coming... and she's Big!"
I have 4 projects planned... so much work. All 4 are fairly unique in design though and I believe they are all great looking. I've showed 2 of them to one of my friends so far and he was insanely excited for one of them so I've started working on that one.