Ok, for those of you who know about Sandbox or who have gotten a chance to play on it, then DON'T tell me you didn't see this coming. I know you might want to call it un-original but it's still fun non the less. Some of you may know im not that big on forge. I rarely actually start a map let alone start and finish one. But seeing as how I actually like to play golf, I decided to make a golf course on sandbox with the help of my friend. This is only the first set, or front nine I guess you could say. Only problem is that theres only 7 holes. lol. We ran out of money after hole 6 and my friend was in the middle of hole 7 so we did what we could and managed to get 7 holes in all. So here it is, Sky Golf. Download link and gametype is at the below. Map: Sky Golf Created by: Supersanta1614 and klumppy Map Download: Bungie.net Gametype Download: Bungie.net Hole 1: Plain and simple hole. You will notice holes get harder as the course goes on. Hole 2: Basically the same as hole one with a ramp on it. Careful not to stand to close to the ball or it will go over the wall but if you stand to far away then it won't make it over the hill. Hole 3: You can go over the wall and straight to the hole if you think you have what it takes, although it's not advised. Best bet is to just go straight through the tube corner and take a 2 on it. Hole 4: Same thing as hole number 1 with some blocks added to get around. Watch the sky for falling objects Hole 5: Pretty simple. Go straight through the tubes and the rest is done for you. Nothing difficult. Hole 6: My personal favorite hole. Try your best to hit the ball straight but if you don't the shield doors will help the ball bounce toward the gravlift. Don't hit it to soft into the grav lift or you won't make it onto the ramp but also don't hit it to hard or you will go right over it. Let the ramps take it down below and carefully get it to the man cannon without falling off the edge and watch it fly towards the hole. Hole 7: Choose wisely, theres 3 different options to select from and only one leads to victory. Choose the wrong one and you got a one way ticket to hell and you have to go all the way back to the beginning. There are the 7 holes for this one. We are wanting to make another map until we get a full 18 holes but we don't know if we will. If you play this, I would really appreciate it if you would upload your film to your fileshare and link me to it so I can watch it, im kinda of curious how people play it out. There is really only one rule that my friend and I play by when were playing this and it is you can only hit the ball with the hammer only. You can not run into the ball to make it roll and you have to wait for the ball to completely stop (unless it's running off the edge). One last note, we did put golf clubs on the map but we could not get them to show up when we tried it in custom games. We could use them in forge but the gametype wouldn't let them show up in custom games so we just made you start with the hammer. So we hope you have fun with it, please leave some feedback. Keep in mind, this is really my first map that I have actually tried to put some effort into making so im no pro at it by any means, just having fun with it.
Woah well done! You sure took a notch higher than other golf courses made. I like how you appear in crypt for the last section of the map. Is there any way to cheat?
thanks, glad ya like it. There is no way to cheat that we know of. We have played through it about 7 or 8 times and we haven't really found anyway yet. There are ways to hit the ball over the wall and down to the bottom platforms or the platforms on the other side but unless it's some type of amazing shot then it's probably not gonna happen.
Well done, I've seen a few golf maps on sandbox but they were mostly...mediocre. This looks like it could be a winner. Although golf in sandbox is freaking easy, I won't be bias, and download it although I can't right now because my xbox isn't connected to anything, but I'll queue anyways. These still look pretty easy, but they're also clean. Could've used some merging to make it look better however, but nice job nevertheless. 4/5 queued. EDIT:I know a way to cheat. Walk on the golf course and push the ball lol.
Yes, you have done a good job in creating a golf course! This isn't anything against you, but i could never see myself playing this. Hitting the golfball with the 7-Wood is too unpredictable and difficult to get it to go where you want it to go. This looks very good, but the mechanics in Halo 3 itself isn't too good.
this looks amazing!!!!! its like an actual minigolf course. congrats! youre the first to make a minigolf course, i do believe. 5/5! youve got a dl from me!
Yes, I think i have seen one other golf like map but it wasn;t really for golf. This is actually very good,how it keeps going and gets harder and harder after every hole,I personally like golf as well, so this map is very fun for me
This looks like A LOAD OF FUN. I love mini golf courses. You did a good job on it too. mabye you could add a downhill ramp hole.
thanks for all the good comments, glad to hear you all liked it. We started the second one earlier tonight and were trying to actually make it a continuation of this one.
I half way found out what it was. When I made the gametype, I (obviously) changed some of the settings but i didn't touch the weapons part of it. Whenever I edited the gametype then they wouldn't show up but if I started a regular default slayer then they would be there. If anyone else knows how to get them to show up then please tell me but thats all I have so far.