i am going to be honest and torques theory is the best one ive heard so far and also i have to belive him. but urk i know you lurk around forge hub and if your watching this post right now i have one thing to say... "it aint cool man give us back some good forging maps"
It's clearly completely different from the other 2 maps, by the fact that the other 2 have had images shown of them in the past 2 - 3 months, and yet no word of Sandbox. You guys need to stop taking Sandbox in a literal sense. Bungie are keen to drop metaphors and little clues, followed by a handful of bluffs to throw you off the scent. Images will be released in the next month, i guarantee.
Did anyone notice that in the bottom hand right side next to the structure its says Luks4 ro9 Or something along that line, it could just be a complete accident but you never know...
I suggest we all ignore Luke Smith's drawing of Sandtrap at night. Before you all turn mad. It was clearly put in the weekly update to mislead and confuse the fans, as Matty pointed out above. And clearly Bungie has succeeded in misleading many fans. But I am not among those.
i honestly cant believe how many people fell for this. Bungie always plays around with their population of follower/gamer type thingys. If your smart you wont take this seriously.
Hey blanked...THINK remember when they drew Assembly? It was a PERFECT match to the drawing...I'm not believing the sandtrap route though I have a feeling its off in the flats outside of Epitaph makes the most sense.. Also Soilder, I thought shiska drew it not Lukems...also why would it be Luks4 ro9? makes no sense.
I don't know who drew it, but the ro9 actually says 09, as in 2009. Again, the signature, author name and date. Brings you back to school doesn't it?
i think my thory that you can raise and chnage sand dunes as well as time of day and weather may be correct or depending on the time of day(in-game clock) it could sunset and become dark eventhough the game started during the day
I can't belive how many people think that we did fall for it. I know I didn't. I am just theorizing as to what the CLEARLY missleadin picture could mean!
I think that this post: Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : News which included this image on its header: , as well as this tagline: "It's a barren wasteland. Or is it?", and the image posted yesterday, only serve to validate the fact that somehow, in some way, Sandbox is related to Sandtrap. Considering the "...It's a barren wasteland." line, I would like to put forth the guess that Sandbox is in fact a map that is somewhere on Sandtrap. (Not literally of course. Just insofar as it has the same sort of designs, colors, and ****.)
What i can rely on is that Sandbox definately has something that puts it above and beyond the other two maps that will be released as the first half of the mythic map pack. It may not be it's ability to be used successfuly in Forge, but it's certainly something. I do agree that the name certainly implies some sort of desert scenario, but i can't imagine that they would create a map for us to create user created content, that is a barren desert. First of all, for it to be actually useful in Forge, it would have to be pretty flat, which would result in a horrible texture to build on, they would may aswell do something completely different. What i can imagine is that the boarders of the map will look out onto a desert environment. Lets not forget that Epitaph takes place in a desert, although that is set on a Forruner installation, whereas Sandtrap is set on a Brute homeworld.
"It's a barren wasteland. Or is it?" It leads me to believe it is a forge map. If you look at empty Foundry, it is barren. So if you look at that is is barren. The "Or is it?" part may be meaning the possibilities. Probably wrong, but idc.
I have something to say on this subject. First of all, I want to make it clear that I think that the drawing, is the same as the picture. I believe that he was trying to draw Sandtrap, not a new map, just to screw with us or make a bad joke. If not either of these two, then he was trying to make a point that sandbox is not a new map, but in fact a new object package or something for all the maps. That could explain the darkness, as filters would be included. Second of all, I doubt that bungie is going to show the real map anytime soon if it is a map, which now I am starting to doubt. We probably won't hear about this again for at least a month or two in my opinion. EDIT: After reading Whisper's post, I have more second guesses. A map inside Sandtrap you say? That actually is the best idea I've heard so far. What if, the map is of Sandtrap BEFORE it became a wasteland. This could mean there are windows or something that you can see Sandtrap outside, but you actually play inside a building. Probably the ruins that are in Sandtrap. OR in a box like building maybe meant for forging?
You aren't serious right? Or maybe really, really optomistic. We have done what we can on Avalanche, but short of a few good casual/minigames, nothing all that good has come out of it. It stands, uneven ground is HORRIBLE for forging. Interlocks, geomerges even working with the geometry is impossible. Might I add, if it is like avalanche, we won't get many objects at all, because a LARGE and DETAILED map in Bungie's eyes is reason to limit Items and Budget. I am praying, PRAYING, that this is fake, or that this doesn't adequetely display what Sandbox is. Or else I have lost all hope for the future of Forge.[/quote] bungie isnt stupid, they woulnt make another sandtrap, perhaps theyre suggesting they CAN make a sandtrap in game though.... no worries, if it was a large and detailed map, they wouldve given us pictures of it like assembly and orbital- but they gave us none, because a big open box needs no pictures for it. it WILL be a new forge map, that will be much much better than foundry, my only concern, is that bungie will use sandtrap's aweful look. wouldnt we all want to be looking at sandtrap for the next two years? am i right?? since theres land there, they could have a geomapping techinque in line for forge, to make terrain, and that means that making a secondary perm for looks other than sandtrap, even more unlikely or almost impossible. if bunge does release a new forge map, that is the most amazing forge map ever, with everything we could ever want, there biggest mistake ever would be that it would half to look like sandtrap........ OR, maybe the look of everything could be determined by the orbs that can change the way things look, like the old western, and the black and white, and the juicy.
Personally i think it's going to be a big square area of "forruner" metal with the big "epitaph" tower in the distance in one direction and then Sandtrap in in the distance in a deffrent direction. it will also probably have really good forging items. (Think about it after Bungie discovered forgehub they figured out that there are so many people that forge so much and so well they wanted to come out with a map for the forgers):hence the reason there saving it for last.....CURSE YOU BUNGIE!!!! mg: