I remember seeing this on tv, I can't believe I never thought about it. If thats not SandBox its a new map atleast. And it does look very Sand Trap like.
**** Sandrap. The only (barely) fun thing about it was the sniping it had before any of the new maps came out. It doesn't even play well, you can't play anything on it besides like slayer.
Not true my friend, it was half way decent for rocket race! thats gotta count for something... Just an idea that popped in my head while reading this thread, what if they're gonna give us covenant stuff to forge with? I mean think about it, what do we really have in the way fo physical forging pieces to make stuff with? Almost nothing and usually you can't make anything decent with what we do have.
Update, it's a picture of Sandtrap, he put a nightime theme to it. If you need a link to a picture taken in game of the spot, I'll search for it.
Speculation is always fun. I'm going to take a stab at this picture. I believe I see a sky box above the tower. If it is in fact a tower. Most likely a forge object seeing as there is a huge white line handle bar thingy to the right.
I hope he didn't really just draw a picture of sandtrap at night. And I REALLY hope sandbox isn't a nightime sandtrap.
Here's a picture I found on Bungie.net that someone (named Apollo Running) made comparing the sketch to Sandtrap.
I don't think that is a moon, but an eclipse, just because that would be cool. Anyways, either way there are going to be immovable objects and some cool games coming out of this, I'm just waiting for the nice good write up/screenshots that they will give up soon enough. =]
With all do respect, "**** this game". If this is truly what Sandbox is, well the dicks best make the lot of us a DLC pack for 6 and change; I can't see myself wasting even a mere 3 dollars on that.
Well, that is probably not what sandbox is. I could really see myslef loving a sandbox with more objects and i would build amazing BTB map floating in the sky. Don't tell me this wouldn't be amazing.
I believe it's Sandtrap, at night, after a message dust storm. Essentially, it got burried so it became easier for forging. yet, a bunch of spires still remain.
I can easily say that it won't be amazing. Sandtrap blew it big, this cannot/will not be any better. You can't tell me that isn't true. If anything Bungie would've include some forge objects considering how they've shed some light on the world of FH and forging all together since Legendary DLC, and taken in the fact that people actually do work with forge. However it's still Forge and I'm sure they still are gonna limit us with objects which is what will suck in this scenario. The map is obviously going to have some funky ass geometry, it's in the desert, and since there isn't unlimited objects, how the **** do we make a decent map with **** geometry when we can't build our own floor? We have foundry for small-medium scale projects, this is only going to be a letdown, or like previously stated Sandbox is only being played by the name. I'd look but that'd take time, but someone earlier mentioned Bungie is probably drawing out the name but not what Sandbox is solely. w/e. Dear sir above ^^^ Killzone is looking mightyyyyyyyy fine right about now. Edit;;; btw, mabie we've found our "secret of sandtrap"
Hm, interesting. It may Sandtrap at night. What if you could delete all off the geometry there? Just a thought...
I'm guesing that they used Sandbox to make something similiar to Sandtrap, but not, and then Lukems drew this bit of it to get us thinking that Sandbox is just Sandtrap with the lights out, and not really a new godly forge map at all. If not that, then perhaps Lukems didn't draw a picture of Sandbox after all, because they never did say what it was a picture of. But all I know is that Bungie is going to release pictures whenever they release pictures... I hope it's better then Foundry and that it really is that epic black room with gridded walls. I will be so happy!
i feel that bungie is playing off the name purely becuase of the reason that they like to mislead their fans and misdirect their thoughts . . . i inmterpret this as sandbox not being sandtrap at night i think that sandbox is that grided wall place in their acceptance video. This would be sandbox like a place with alot of toys and things to do compared to a sandy place like sandtrap. Also the drawing coulkd simply be somethin g that bungie had crated from scratch like a map with nothing on it and that picture was a custom map. So possibly all those things could be deletable and get back to that grid-type place. For one, i think this would be cool, it could be like the forge filters, but not with lighting effects, but with choosing an environent to start with. For example, that picture could be "desert" another could be "forest" or "tundra" something like that. I don't know about a new sandtrp at night, i think that the grid place IS sandbox and will be solely focused around forge
I think the structures look newer in that image, maybe it is sandtrap at night were the sand has covered some of the structure and it was just built but abondoned because of the sand there,,,