Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I still feel like part of my life is missing. I've never played one-flag on Last resort. I've played so much territories and TS it's not funny. Oh and terrible infection games...
  2. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Yeah, that map is quite amazing, but in my opinion, the best asymmetric map ever would have to be Headlong.

    Anyway, back to discussing Sandbox..

    I can't believe how much of a step up it is from Foundry. You won't have annoying walls that are awkward in some areas. You don't have an annoying crane hanging from a relatively short ceiling, and you will have so many more types of building blocks. And most importantly, it will be bigger!
  3. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    You know what I think is the best indicator of how good Sandbox will be?

    Look at the maps that Bungie made! I mean, compare those maps to def Foundry, Smashed! and Octoplex. The maps they're making on Sandbox look awesome compared to some of the stuff that's on Foundry. Even the default layout looks very fun to play on. Can't wait for IGN's article tomorrow.
  4. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Do you know what the article will cover?
  5. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    No. Obviously more than the weekly update did. Hopefully they'll have a few more screen shots. If we're getting setting our expectations super high, then gameplay videos? forging sessions? item lists? You never know. I personally think they'll just have few more screenies and a little more info.
  6. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Alright. I guess it's always better to set your expectations low, so you're not set up for disappointment.

    But it's not like it will matter that much. It's just an article lol.
  7. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Anyone else notice how bungie is really trying to prevent the money glitch? If someone already said this then totally disregard my post. They are trying to scare us in the latest update about the object limit which they have me slightly scared. We have to have the already placed items of sandbox placed off to the side because if we delete them we dont get them back in the OLN (object limit number) including the spawns which is completely ridiculas, I thought they were trying to make it easier for us to forge by giving us sandbox but now they are giving us new limitations such as this. If they make the object limit lower than foundry's was I will be somewhat pissed off, it just wouldnt make sense.

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    they arent giving us any new limitations what-so-ever. ALL maps have an OLN, all of them. The only thing thats different now is that the budget is so high that we are more likely to hit the OLN before we run out of budget.
  9. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Used the wrong word, its more of an annoyance having a huge pile of spawns and everything else on the map that you cant delete otherwise it affects the size of your map.

    EDIT: Your also assuming we have a high OLN, they havent given us any numbers yet.
  10. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Not really. Well yea it will affect the size o your map but in a good way.

    For one, all the gametype stuff and a good number of the basic weapons will already be there. So you won't need to save space for them later.

    And you will have all the non-movable/movable scenery objects on the map already to add to with whatever the remaining OLN is.

    It's still a silly thing for Bungie to have there as it's a fairly common path o logic to think people will want a blank map to start from but when they made the game they did not think we would take forge as far as it has come. And at least they told us about it before Sandbox release probably saving us all from massive headache from problems down the road.
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

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    The OLN on Sandbox wont be any different than any other map, which is 255 objects. So thats ok i guess.. unless I don't want choppers on my map, then the Sandbox OLN is 253 objects. We all know that Bungie uses FAR more spawn points on average than a typical forged map, and judging by the size of Sandbox, Id bet on all 100 points, or at least pretty damn close to it. So for smaller maps we build, that will only subtract from even more of the OLN. The more I think about it.. this glitch with the default layout and the OLN seems unintentional and like a bug that they just didn't bother to fix. I hope they come out with a patch for it. Because essentially, we will have LESS items to use than any other map, lest we make use of every single individual object.
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I think the killball will be a small ball with a energy ball around it... so you'd only have to grab the small ball in forge and the energy ball around it would be just like the energy drainer thing.
  13. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Ah the OLN will bring back nostalgic days of the old budget glitch for me. When we used to have 1 of every item on the map. Now we'll just have to have all the default stuff on the map at the beginning. It's like we'd already been trained for this moment! I don't see it as a biggy, especially since it's similar to situations we were used to. I foresee many "Default objects placed in sky/minefield/ocean not-so-blank canvas maps" :)

    Oh and major kudos to Urk for responding to the fools in this thread, he has more patience than I. His straight answers and love of pancakes truly earn his "Respected" rank.

    Lol, my theory on altering the skybox was officially shot down in this weeks update, boo! I'm still super excited though!

    My initial thought at the "OMG only 2 killballs" thing was that we wouldn't be able to do floating maps, but then I actually engaged my brain and thought "Oh, hold on a tick, there's a big minefield out there, just build it over that!" - Pretty simple solution really, floating maps should be no problemo.

    I still wanna know what these tunnels are though. I'm thinking they're probably cylindrical pipe-like objects, since we don't have any cylindrical objects in forge at the moment. Curvy baby yeah!
  14. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
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    You are wrong sir, Foundry with the default objects has a OLN at about 360. And I assume Sandbox will be at around 500. Say default sandbox has 200 objects on it, if we use a canvas we still have 300 objects to work with. That's plenty enough for me.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

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    i heard from people who have done experiments that its about 255 for each and every map. guess they were mistaken
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Here is what I don't get:

    We budget glitch, than what stops us is the OLN, but bungies says "No bad, don't break the budget, it's bad for the 360"

    Now on Sandbox, we apparently have enough budget to reach the OLN first, so it seems as if budget is almost a completely fake and pointless number. I don't quite understand how reaching OLN on foundry is bad, but on Sandbox it isn't...
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The budget is a variable based upon how complex a map is. Foundry had a lot of detail to it. Sandbox is much more open and less detailed than Foundry was, so naturally it's going to have a larger budget.
  18. Velheka

    Velheka Ancient
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    I'm instrested to see how flexible the killballs are, and hope you can make them cover the floor of the map, that could give unlimited possiblites, to floating map making, jump challage makers and many other ideas.
  19. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    Yeah i really really really hope the kill ball are resizeable like Hill or territories. But i wont get my hopes up. They did call them Kill Balls and not kill hills.
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    From the weekly update it sounds as though the size of the killball isn't adjustable.
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