Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    i would like to point out halo wars is a fun game........but the mythic map pack is r bad. orbital is an all around fun map to play and forge. sandbox on the other hand is bad. yes it has a diverse object layout however the objects look so linear that it becomes an eye sore and i have gone back to foundry. also sandbox does not have good misc. items those are good for building house and putting things in. sandbox is not the ultimate forge map. i have had more fun on foundry then sandbox. although i do say skybubble has a possibility for mini games and athsteiti...umm. asthetixzzzz...wait aztheticss screw it the maps that look good.
    i have the map pack......just for a reference
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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  3. iTz HLG nOob

    iTz HLG nOob Ancient
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    i do not agree with 'NUKEZILLA', halo wars is not a good game, i tried the demo, its mostly stragegy than action, no offence bungie, but the only reason ur getting alote of sold halo wars is because they have a code for the mythic map pack

  4. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    ya i know right, but in my opinion, halo wars is actually a good game, it takes skill the "control" an army when you have limited soldiers against someone who has 3x as many people... but i agree with hlg noob cuz most buy hw for the mythic... oh and i think sandbox is good, but on the regular map thing, there doesn't seem to be enough space to work with. the skybox and crypt are good tho.
  5. iTz HLG nOob

    iTz HLG nOob Ancient
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    thank u, u see so im not going crazzy, and are u a boy or girl?

  6. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Well it would make sense that it was more strategy, seeing as it's an RTS which is a Real Time Strategy. I personally disagree. I was expecting a really poor game, played the demo, thought it could be a potentially good game, and I bought it. Now I'm not saying it's the best game I've every played, because it's not. What I am saying is that it is a good game. It adds a new twist to the Halo series, and was definitely a good move by Bungie.

    However, for Sandbox. I think that it is a pretty good map; for forging and for playing. It incorperates a lot of stuff that hasn't been seen before, such as a skybox, and the crypt. The one thing that I've had some trouble with is geomerging and the lack of switchable items. But overall, I like it.
    #4386 Shenanigans.nom, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  7. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    lol Halo was originally supposed to be an rts...

    Halo Wars is a simple rts, with multiplayer capabilities which is awesome. I don't see how you can call it bad... Sure it might not be your thing but saying it isn't a good game isn't cool, man.

    With all the people constantly playing halo wars, claiming people are only buying for the mythic map pack is retarded. I bought halo wars for halo wars, man. The mythic map pack is just getting extra dumbasses to buy it, which simply rakes in more cash.
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    All hail Chuck, smartest brain in the forum.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Hey, I resemble that remark...

    On a side note, anyone wanna buy a limited edition of Halo Wars?
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    YES! That is exactly it. Awesome game, which everyone thinks sucks, + Maps for Halo 3 one of the most successful agmes on Xbox =

  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Well I personally can't wait to have enough money to buy the game. I was lucky enough to get the maps for free... but I'll still be buying the game.
  12. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    I just bought the code off of my friend.
    I love the maps. Sandbox is just really spectacular, and forging on it is (for the most part) a dream.
  13. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Besides all the problems and glitches you mean?

    Seriously, I'll just stick to foundry for anything remotely competitive.
  14. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I have been having tons of fun on Sandbox. There's just so much potential, and it's so fun trying to reach that pinnacle of the potential.

    Right now I'm having trouble deciding what I want to do because there's just so much I can do lol
  15. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Let me start this by saying I love sandbox.

    I know there are a ton of items but do you guys who have it still FEEL you don't have enough objects because the area is so big? I seem to run out of budget still because my mindset is building bigger maps I guess, but i'm not sure. Back to puzzles for me.
  16. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Bungie did not make Halo Wars. The actual game is alot better than the demo.

    Many people bought Halo wars for the game, believe it or not.
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Ummm. No. I have no idea what you are talking about but Sandbox is clearly superior to Foundry in Forge. For future competitive maps they will mostly be on Sandbox, because simply put, its way better.

    Small things like the walls going crooked and the default objects not being easy to interlock don't even come close to bringing it down to Foundry.
  18. kangarobeatboxr

    kangarobeatboxr Ancient
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    I can defiantly see why Bungie put it for 800 Microsoft points, this is not a cheap map i can tell you, one of the largest in forge and in budget. I take it that assembly and orbital were add-ons, since Bungie didn't want to charge 800 Microsoft points for 1 map, Orbital might be friendly to SWAT and infection, but its only a map you'll expect to play in matchmaking, i mean, if you had a choice to play one of the three maps, each customized, then you'd defiantly choose Sandbox. The only time I ever played Assembly was to get the skull, you're not going to pimp out that map by adding sniper-rifles, and gravity hammers, its basically only played un-forged, or on its base map. But Sandbox is defiantly going to go far. For all those people obsessing over making a good map on foundry, WILL download the mythic map pack, and in a matter of months all those Foundry maps will be out voted by Sandbox maps. It'd be hard not to being able to make able to make a sky base, a crypt and a main-level.
  19. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Maps coming out April 9th, check the update. Now if you will excuse me I have to go change my pants.
  20. Composite Ghost

    Composite Ghost Ancient
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    I saw that in the update. I wish the date was closer.
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