lolwut? I was the first response to your question.. unless he PM'd you.. that sneak! Anyway, I'm finally done with my map, and it's ready for testing. I just need to figure out the overly-complex way of getting people to test my map through the Tester's Guild, and it should be done soon.
Is anyone else having trouble with the spawn system on sandbox? I used Barons skybox canvas and everything was fantastic, until i started actually laying out spawns... The starting points arent working properly. Attacker's Slayer starting spawn refuses to register when i load it up in customs. Its pissing me off.
I found that you need to have a certain height opening above a spawn point for it to register. I had to litterally raise the roof on my map. Luckily it was a small change.
i got halo wars with the mythic pack on it and halo wars is AWESOME and if you ask me the maps are really good so if u want both u should try to get the LCE of halo wars but if u just want the maps just wait, it will be worh it
Funny story: My friend was obsessing over Halo Wars and the Mythic Map Pack and ordered it like ASAP and when he got it the code didn't work and he still is trying to get a new one LOL XD anyone have the same problem?
Anyways, I think I've figured out a way to counteract the walls tilting... I'm going to do some tinkering tomorrow and let you guys know.
halo wars LCE is well worth it if you ask me. I dont even like rts games, but it's nothing hardcore and an awesome story. If you want the halo 3 maps early, and you didnt get halo wars then you effed up As for the mythic maps, one word: awesome. and frankfries if you have a reasonable solution i'll give you a dollar
I think he was trying to quote me, because that's what I said verbatim a page back. =) So umm... gimmie dollars?
frankfries is the only one who qualifies. also draw, i dont feel like clicking onto the previous page so i'll assume i know what you're talking about. and titmar, enjoy spending your two dollars on frankfries. i'll go buy an arnold palmer with my dollar i get to keep. anybody else want to one up titmar and offer 3? /offtopic
Weekly update had map pack code translated to hex. Here it is: WW8QH PTMTK GQ6G8 F9QF7 MBGBQ Not sure if it still works, but it's worth a try.
Enough about grammar. Any further spam posts and I will infract you... I dont care who you are. Back on discussion of Sandbox please.
yah i know...i just had to have the last word...i am a jackass aren't i? so its not spam.... does anyone have a code i can haz? im kinda pissed i cant have the maps
Why is this thread still open? It's just for spam and the only person who doesn't now have the maps is The Spartan III (it seems) because of his broken Xbox Live. Just buy a new dongle mate, they're only about £10 on eBay for a 3rd party one. Also, I noticed today that killballs don't affect things through structures if the centre of the killball is on the other side of the structure to the... thing. Just a weird thing.