Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    I believe that they are doing something in this map that they have never done perhaps by giving us the control of the lighting, terrain, removing the budget, adding new, unique objects (maybe a new vehicle(I'm wishing now)) or even giving forgers ability to place the death barriers. But maybe it's just a new, big empty map that we can build in and the size being the reason for the above quote. We really won't know until they release it.
  2. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Hopefully they've raised the invisible boundary so it will be easier to make tall maps.
  3. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Or it could all be inside the imagination of a fictional giant space beetle's stomach whose mother is Shishka and mother is Urk.
    (the sand being stomach juices, which flow disgustingly all over the place. We have the ability to pause the stomach bile's motion, therefor we have terrain editing of a sort.)

    However, we have absolutely no evidence for this, it is pure speculation.
    As the person above said,
    we shall not know for certain until either Bungie decide to tell us...
    (hah, as if... That's not their way, recruiting from the shadowy murks of the dark lake of necromancers and dragons and John 117 the hairy beast from Valhalla who just happens to be wielding Mjolnir (not the armour)
    and is actually named Thor (Bungie's best keep secre--- oops!))

    Or alternatively we could wait till Halo Wars comes out, which is in itself a worthwhile investment, Ensemble Studios being top of their "game". (pun unintentional)

    Their "game" being constructing spectacular RTS games, I fully expect it to meet my expectations, which are high... I still love Age of Empires II: Age of Kings.

    Once Halo wars comes out, we will be able to sit through the gruelling wait for the mythic map pack to download, unable to play Halo Wars and download at the same time
    (due to it being a multiplayer game and automatically pausing downloads) as we work ourselves into a stupor akin to that of a child waking up on christmas day to see what goodies have been bestowed upon them by Santa.

    Once the download completes, we let out a squeal of joy, involuntarily ejaculate due to excitement, boot up Halo 3 (The most EPIC game ever), enter the forge lobby, watch the antagonisingly slow percentage numbers crawl up from 0%, 1% 3% etc. all the time fearful of anything bad such as powercuts or nuclear holocausts happening before you can see Sanbox and die happy.

    Game starting in 5...
    Game starting in 4...
    Game starting in 3...
    Game starting in 2...
    Game starting in 1...
    Game starting in 0...

    Then we shall truly discover what Bungie have given us, and love it, we shall.
  4. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Both Shiska and Urk are the mother? I don't have a good feeling about this...

    I'm afraid of when I'm getting Halo Wars because my mom stole 10 dollars from me and now I only have $70! I'm also afraid that I will never see this money again and that my parents will never take me to the video game store!

    I'm sooo sad now!
  5. Shishka

    Shishka Ancient
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    1. I did not say "mongi" with any serious belief that it is the plural of Mongoose. When you are referring to a wild animal, the plural form is mongeese. When you are referring to the fictional Halo vehicle, it is mongooses.

    2. You shouldn't look too far into what Urk said. He really did have pancakes. There is a local pancake place that several of us drop by about once a week or so. I had the patty melt.

    We're not trying to leave cryptic hints, here, so you shouldn't work yourself up over the weird things Urk says. Similar to how he pointed out that a jpeg is a computer-generated image, he was answering another question sarcastically when he commented on his lunch.

    When in doubt, you should refer to Occam's Razor: The simplest answer is the best answer. In other words, if you ask a question and you don't get a direct answer, it's because we're not giving direct answers yet, and not because we want to throw riddles at you. When Bungie is cryptic, we're very overt about it, so don't assume everything we say is an obscure answer to your question.

    3. If we're not giving direct answers, there's a reason. That reason is usually because marketing a product is a cooperative effort between us, our publisher, and the web and print publications that release our information. These matters involve timing and choreography, and if you haven't noticed, it's very rare that information shows up on first.
  6. KaidonBK

    KaidonBK Ancient
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    It's not that! It's just that I preordered Halo Wars and I usually cant wait that long and I'm worried it wont be the LE version...
  7. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    Shishka is right we aren't going to get answers from Bungie (until they can) so really all we can do is speculate on what's going to be in Sandbox. As I said above we are just going to have to wait the next month and see for our selves.
  8. KaidonBK

    KaidonBK Ancient
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    I guess...
    I just really have high hopes for it still.
  9. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    We should not over hype this or even hype it at all. This is going to be a map that is:
    -Great for forge mode
    -About twice or less the size of foundry
    -Many new forge items
    -Red and blue base lightings
    -Standard vehicle and weapon sets
    -A boundary that is the same or similar to Sandtrap's

    This is all we should expect right now and I would not be surprised if it is exactly what this map consists of.
  10. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    is anyone else a little disappointed by the sandbox photo? the map just looks really low-quality. i don't doubt forging would be great. but i hope they get the textures and lighting figured out cause right now it looks like halo: ce or something.
  11. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    When I first saw the map, I was kinda like John, slightly disappointed. The more I looked at it the more I want to play it.

    I think people are getting way too worked up about this. Too many crazy accusations. It seems to me that what would be required from the engine is so great that they'd have to put out an other update. Making a map bigger? Placing land mine boundaries? That seems out of the reach of Halo 3's engine. Also, the skybox editing seems way too out there. Bungie would have to run a light mapper for every skybox, every theme, and any combination of them. It's entirely possible that they could do it but seems unlikely.

    I'm expecting, mostly what theheat is; Great for forge, 2/3 bigger than Foundry, and some new forge items. It'll probably be similar to Foundry. What has been shown is a default layout and everything can be deleted, leaving a floor to throw things in.

    This is what I'm realistically expecting. I hope to God that I'm wrong. I'd love to be able to change the sky box, expand the size, create my own boundaries, change the theme and use items to give a side of the map a certain tints.

    Only time will tell.
  12. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Really? The Orange doesn't bother me but their complete and utter ignorance and idiocy makes my brain hurt.

    I wouldn't guarantee the lighting effects yet. It does seem likely but not absolute yet. Until Bungie says otherwise those could be permanent fixtures or something else completely unrelated.
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Great Oden's Raven where the hell did this thread come from? And how did it get so damn long before I found it. Far-fetched, bullshit theories aside, I'm pretty excited about Sandbox. I already have some loose plans for it, though naturally they are subject to change as more information becomes available. I can't wait for the MMP and the Halo Wars game that comes with it.

    ...did someone say pancakes?
  14. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Epic lolz...

    Urk foolishly did, and then many noobs came up with conspiracy theories despite both Urk and Shishka saying multiple times that it was just a random comment...
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Sounds about right. I've grown to expect that sort of thing from the over-zealous and uninformed that is the Halo community at times.

    All I know is that its very large, appears to be pretty flat, has no cranes, and lots of new ways to be creative.

    Oh and Rusty, if you see this, I saw a question you posed a few pages back regarding whether or not Bungie uses Forge to design Foundry/Sandbox. I'm 90% sure they didn't use it for Foundry, as indicated by the interlocked corner wall atop the double boxes by the right bay door corner, and the fact that on every Halo 3 map the objective points are all geo-merged into the ground slightly. I'd assume Sandbox will be the same, though I could be mistaken.
  16. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Lol, I hope shishka doesn't make the map like the infection playlist. That would suck. They should get one of us to get the map pack for free early, and make an amazing awesome map on it. P.S. Shiska, if you read this, I accept!
  17. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    AHA! So there IS a budget. I wasn't sure whether the part about 'limitless forgability' was to be taken literally. So that has been answered.

    And nao i present the ultimate theory:
    Sandbox is exactly what it looks like, a map about 2x the size of foundry. The red and blue things are base markers to replace the often used invisibility and overshield. All of the items in the pic are forgable with the possible addition of others.

    The only real issue that needs to be discussed is how there is a moon and a dark sky in Shishka's drawing and a SUN in the pic. Possible dynamic skybox? Who knows.
  18. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Aha! I think I have spotted more code. If you look at the first letter of each sentence in this quote you get: IWWYHTIWSWIWITT. Anyone remember IWHBYD? I Would Have Been Your Daddy. Do you see it now? Clearly we have been given another anagram, which will probably reveal some huge secret about new forge stuff.

    Don't believe its a code? Count how many letters there are in that anagram. Fifteen. We all know bungie loves the number seven and 7*2=14, that is only one number away from 15. Coincidence? I think not. Not only that but there are many clues in the words Shishka uses. Heres a few which clearly show there is more here than meets the eye:

    It couldn't be more obvious. Now we just have to figure out the anagram.
  19. A27 STARWOLF

    A27 STARWOLF Ancient
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    What if Sandbox can have more than just a sand theme? For example a field of grass..... or an island with water? You have no idea how long I have wanted to forge water :happy:

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Confirmed: Sandbox will contain a dance floor with red and blue disco balls
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