Wow thats awesome. Thanks guys. Atleast we know it really is a weapon now Its gonna use that on my maps, Image the voice guy shouting "GOLFING SPREE" and "PUTTING RIOT"
Okay, new discussion topic: Where do you think the skull will be? I still hold to my original idea that you need to have the full map budget to place the skull...
But then you wouldn't have to find it, just place it. So it wouldn't be a "hidden" skull. So I doubt your theory.
I believe if, on sandbox, you manage to hit the golf ball into the tin cup with a club either the skull will spawn near you, in the cup or the ball will transform into a skull.
Uhh, this isn't a jokes thread. We discuss we know and what we want in Sandbox. The skull will be hidden well.
Sandbox Flythrough I just uploaded that to Youtube because it was way slow for me when I tried to watch it at I think the default layout of Sandbox actually looks quite fun. I can't wait to play some objective games on it.
I have a map idea, its like somebody has already said but i really like the map idea. Well first you start of in a small room on the middle layer, go down a small narrow corridor and into a pyramid, which i will try to make as big as possible, make your way through some small corridors and rooms which i will try to make boobytrapped and dangerous until you reach the crypt opening, but to to open the crypt you will have to destroy the gravlift which is stopping you from going down, once the gravlift is destroyed it will release all the zombies from a small room. The humans can either drop down to the crypt or stand and fight for abit, Humans have one life and then there out. If the humans decide to go down then they will drop into a small box which is just about big enough to head jump out of, but that will then trap one human in there, which the zombies can then easily kill. The rest of the humans will enter a maze and if and when they reach the end there will be a room, blocked by a gravlift, to open the room one of the humans will have to venture back and find another grav lift, "if" the door is opened then the humans can enter, in that room there are several weapons, once the humans have grabbed what they want they can either fight there or go through 1 of 2 teleporters, one of which will take them out into the sands and will be killed by the towers. But if the humans do choose the correct tele then they will appear ontop of the pyramid and can then venture out onto the sands below or fight there, either way they will eventually die sooo what do you think, of course by the time i get the map then some ideas will have changed but this is what i am bassing it off
I saw the video with the guardian lasers, they are sweet! I'm going to make a game based off it. No secrets revealed on it though.
Ok, it's the X-Play video I found on bungie's homepage. It's about halfway through when they show it. All Access Preview: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Videos -
Darn. Looks like you can't dodge these like the mines. Althought that will stop "OMFG SANDBOX ZOM3Z" like on Sandtrap.
This made me rofl. It's got it's own icon, and Crosshair! lolol EDIT: Why can't I post images?