is it possible to combine a red and blue column to make a purple. ive been able to make one side red and one side blue
I don't think it's easily done, or possible, but you can make purplish lights by merging the red and blue lights together.
I'm 99 percent sure its not possible. It will always be like one half is blue and the other half is red.
yeah i spent awhile on this, and the best i could get was half blue and half red. The reason why the lights make purple is because the lights givrn off mix, not the actual object. If you place a red and blue light close enough, but not merged you will still get a purple glow.
the best i've done without z-gltching is the top half one colour and the bottom the other i will post pics in a bit EDIT:
It's not possible. You can only make purple with the lights. IF you PERFECTLY merge them all you end up with is texture flickering.