Here are a few of my recent shots which were all taken on sandbox or citadel The secret Lost cause Guerrier de Sang Fire wall Molten Please leave comments and suggestions Download : Halo 3 File Share
Great job! Some pretty sweet effects. My favorite is the second. Just seems epic. My least favorite though is the last because the lighting kind of hurts my eyes.
Love the effects and the overall feel each bring. My favorite would have to be firewall. You continue to amaze me with your screenshots. Keep them coming.
I love them! The last one is something seen a lot, but the rest are awesome. My favorite is either Lost Cause, or Fire Wall.
The only two of note are lost cause and fire wall. You have the hang of advanced techniques but the others lack the fluid sharpness that make them special. Lost cause is cool because it is unique and even though we see the fire wall (which isn't a very good name) effect pretty often the line going through the spartan and the other colors work pretty well together.
The Secret: Eh, nice, but without the guy standing in the way, I'd like it more. Lost Cause: This one's my favorite. Guerrier de Sang: What does that mean? Whatever, it's OK, but really easy to make, and doesn't look to appealing. Firewall: Ahem... Molten: Cool, but was that just a Kill Ball/Red Light-Juicy effect?
dang these are sweet! I like the third and the fourth ones the best, how did you make these other then forge? Just like adobe photoshup?