Sandbox Sand Zombies

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by xCrazyDrLovex, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. xCrazyDrLovex

    xCrazyDrLovex Ancient
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    Sand Zombies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Created by ReaperOfHavok7 and xCrazyDrLovex

    This is my first map post on Forgehub and I hope that I do it right. This is also the first map that me and my friend have made on Sandbox and like the fourth we've ever made together.

    In the year 2596, a hundred billion zombies came out of hell and attacked all the people who for some reason were in robot suits and were elite alien things. Now they must hold them off in this fort until like 7 minutes and the other dudes will save them or until they all die because the round will end. Oh and also they're in the desert for some reason.

    So the humans usually spawn in this big house base thing and the zombies spawn on the other side and they attack the humans and the humans kill them. There's also a sniper tower and a tank and a weapon place armory thing and there's a vehicle store and it's cool. You can walk out into where the lasers are supposed to kill you but they won't because they're blocked off. There's secrets all over the map and they are well hidden. We tried to block off the crypt but we didn't know how so we just put some thing over it.

    Alpha zombies have like 50% shields I think and they are orange and they have hammers and swords. But the normal zombies are purple and only have swords and have like 10% shields or something.
    In the armory there's a bunch of guns and stuff and power ups and in the sniper tower I'm not sure how many snipers there are but I put all of them up there. Also if you're really good you can get the banshee that is hidden on the map.

    The initial base you'll probably start out in, there's fusion coils near the entrance to kill the zombies. It's 2 story by the way.

    A zombie gets owned. You can also see some tube thing we fused in the background and the secret hut with a warthog in the far background.

    A zombie uses a golf ball to sneak up on a human. The vehicle store is in the top left corner and the armory in the top right.

    A poor zombie falls into the mancannon-killball trap.

    An epic human-zombie fight, hammer vs 7-wood. Also a closer look at the sweet golf course.

    A person in a tank fights a zombie, but misses. The stair-like structure in the background is where the tank usually is.

    The vehicle store and a random explosion in the background.

    The secret banshee which is hidden underneath the tank tower. Most people won't find it.

    A closer look at the sniper tower. An invisibility spawns up there forever so you can camp there and stuff.

    The secret statue at the top of the cliff. Most people won't go outside the map but if you do, you might be able to find it.

    And finally, a closer look at the secret hut. It's hidden outside of the map.


    Lastly, thanks a lot for the people who download and thanks for taking a look at the map. This took about 2 weeks to make and my friends all think it's fun.

    Special Thanks to Dumb Boy1956 for helping test the map.
  2. Crucial

    Crucial Ancient
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    Ok, first off, welcome to Forge Hub. Secondly, I don't mean to be rude, but this map looks terrible. Regardless of how fun it may or may not be, the forging is sloppy and not well-planned. Use more item interlocking, and clean up the bases/vehicle spawns, and this map might be worth downloading. As of now, I'm gonna pass because of the terrible forging. 1/10.
  3. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    woot first post =P
    And yeh you posted it right

    Might I suggest that you take a look at Forging 101 and once you learn how to merge and the proper weapon placement and stuff you should come back with a V2 of this map
    Vehicle wise I think you should get rid of the banshee hornet tank and wraith because people get tired of chasing a tank and flying things because it gets a little boring (no offense)

    Yeh but any way have a look on Forging 101 and come back with a v2
    And congratulations on this being your first post =P
  4. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    ok. welcome to forgehub. if this is truly only your forth map than i relize why this isnt that great. we all started out bad. i suggest going to forging 101 on the home page. looking at these will help you become a better forger. im not trying to be mean im trying to help you. and i know there are probably going to be a F*** load of mean things on this thread just ignore them. they once were bad at forging to. just make sure to take your time. bungie has done a great thing giving us a grid in forge, use it thats what its for. make sure all the walls are lined up. just try to make it look pleasent.
  5. Tsiwt

    Tsiwt Ancient
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    Brilliant first post, everythings where it should be and pictures are perfect accompanied by descriptions.

    The map isnt as good as the other maps here on forgehub but I can understand how something so random can be so fun to you but when other people see it, its just another pile of objects to them.

    Last of all you shouldn't say things like "so you can camp there and stuff" because things like that are really a turn down to most forgehub users. Keep up the good work.
  6. cdn xxraiderxx

    cdn xxraiderxx Ancient
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    this map looks very unfair for zombies and the sniper tower really needs more work. i would recommend you learn how to interloack well, take out the hornets, tanks banshees, and every single vehicle where the driver can shoot by himself. keep the one warthog in the secret base becuase then that makes the humans leave their "safe light". take out ALL power ups unless their for the zombies and take out all the snipers in the tower except for one and make it spawn after 1 minute. make the zombies ahve more health or amke them run really fast. make the "secret statue" have some sort of weapon, because i honestly cant see the point of it. take out the armory and have wepaons hidden all over the place. last but not least (i bet your thinking finally) put more cover into the middle becuase smart survivors would all go back to back and zombies wont be able to do anything. looks like you and your friend have alot more to go. =) good luck.
  7. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Dude, it isn't April Dool's Day, we don't need joke maps or sarcastic descriptions. The map doesn't look like it took any skill to make at all, even for a joke post. 0/10 because it wasn't funny. If it's your fourth finished map, why is it messier than most people's FIRST maps? I realize I sound like a douchebag, but seriously.
    #7 Bobguy13, Aug 12, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2009
  8. pwnthezombie

    pwnthezombie Ancient
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    I agree with the others, it is very sloppy, with a lot of misplaced items...
    The sniper part seems like a bad idea, being invisible and untouchable forever.
    No offense, but sadly each item looks like it was thrown from the air onto the ground randomly...
  9. xCrazyDrLovex

    xCrazyDrLovex Ancient
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    Thanks to everybody for their feedback. I'll take a look at forge 101 since everyone seems to be suggesting it. I'll try to make my maps neater and more fair.
  10. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    First off. Welcom to forge hub!!!! and second, it looks like some took a crap on u whil eu were forging.. sorry to be mean. but it looks like u rushed thru making this and didnt take anytime to make it good. but i dont no how it would play so i cant judge u on that. no download but good luck in future forging. i can teach u some stuff if u would like.
  11. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Ok first, the forging is sloppy but not everyone needs to comment about it, once is enough. Secondly the main thing he needs to worry about is gameplay. I map can look horrible but if it plays well it makes up for it in my books. On to the Positives ... Positives ... Positives ... oh you did post your map the right way, and you took everyones critizism well. Anyways maps like these don't go to well with the folks here at forgehub who have much higher standards. If you and your friends like this map no one can stop you from playing them, but If you want to share it I recommend taking a look around forgehub see what it takes for a map to get noticed.

    Amateur Critic, Undead Fanatic says good-bye.

    Senior Member

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    Welcome to forge hub! :) Use all of this constructive criticism! As long as you have fun making a map I think it shouldn't matter how good or bad it is. Just keep working on your forging! Maybe you'll be better than all of these jerks someday. but anyway, use the grid, use interlocking, and anything to make a great map and make you a great forger! Most of all, try ur hardest to find something no one has seen before and throw more creation into the mix!

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