Sandbox Sand Castle

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Tyz51, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    Sand Castle: Long long ago the ancients built a massive fortress in the sky along with an altar high above. The only way to get to the fortress is by a flying machine... But now as the "UNSC Spartan Patrol Group" lands and unpacks their HQ on the fortress they discover a cavern under the ground, but as they investigate it they realize that they awoken an ancient Forerunner guardian designed to punish whoever threatens their sacred ground... Their only hope is to stick out the fight so the guardian goes back to hibernation... Or forever be apart of the structure.

    Well now that we got that out of the way (I thought a little story might spark some interest into the map) Lets get to the screen shots and places!!!

    This is an overview of the "Sand Castle"
    The Humans Spawn In A Darkened Crypt And The Guardian Starts Off Here. (You are Supposed To Spawn In The Air)
    "The Guardians Altar" (Where The Guardian And The Infected Minions Spawn After Start)
    This Is The Bunker With The Teleporter The Humans Need To Go Out Of To Reach Above Ground.
    This Is "A Strange Structure With An Odd Machine At The Top The Humans Used As A Mini Base"
    This is An MG Nest Near The Top Of The "Sand Castle"
    Teleporter To The Left Leads To "The Box Of Cleansing" And The Teleporter Under The Wall-Quarter Leads To The Sky-Altar
    Here Is The Sky-Altar... You Can't Camp For Long Because The Teleporter That Leads Up There Can Put You In 3 Different Places (To Prevent Camping For More Then 5 Mins)
    And Finally Heres "The Box Of Cleansing" (The Inescapable Box)

    Some Info:
    I have one of the original creators of the original "Skycastle" Permission To Make This Map, IDK If He Wants Me To Share His GT Beause He Changes It So Often But I'll Ask Him. There Are A Few Bugs In The Map And A Few Secrets To Find Out.
    Credits: Me; 90%, Ultimate Sandbox Canvas; 5%, Beta Testers (My Friends); 5%
    Sand Castle Download: : Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype (REQUIRED TO MAKE ENJOYABLE): : Halo 3 File Details
    RECOMMENDED FOR 7-16 PLAYERS (Low Players Thought Of As "Boring")

    Well This Is My First Release I Hope You Guys Enjoy.

    Gametype Info:

    Human Traits;
    • Primary Weap: Magnum
    • No Secondary
    • Start with Grenades And No Regeneration
    • Normal Shields / No Vamperism
    • Speed/Grav Is Normal
    • Full Vehicle Use
    • No Forced Color
    • Waypoint Visible To Allies Only
    • Motion Tracker Normal Mode - 25 Meters
    Alpha Zombie (Guardian) Traits:
    • Damage Resistance = Invulnerable Except For Assinations
    • Sheild Multiplier = 4X Overshields
    • Immune To Headshots
    • Damage Modifier = 125%
    • Primary Weap = Grav Hammer
    • Secondary Weap = Energy Sword
    • No Grenades
    • Infinate Ammo
    • No Weap Pickup
    • Movement = 25%
    • Gravity = 100%
    • Vehicle Use = Full
    • Normal Tracker - 25Meters
    • Forced Color = Red
    • No Waypoint
    Normal Zombie Traits:
    • DMG Resistance = 10%
    • Shields = None
    • Headshots Count
    • Infinate Ammo
    • Primary Weap = Energy Sword
    • No Weap Pickup
    • No Grenades
    • Speed = 300%
    • Gravity = 50%
    • Full Vehicle Use
    • Enhanced Motion Tracker
    • Forced color = Black
    Weapon List:
    • 1 Shotgun
    • 1 Sentinal Beam
    • Spartan Laser
    • 1 Rocket Launcher
    • 1 Fuel rod Cannon
    • 1 ShotGun
    • 2 Snipers
    • And Some Others
    #1 Tyz51, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    The building's and such look pretty cool from what i can see.
    Seems really big too, which is a plus for me : )

    A few things that could make this map better, are how some of the pieces were placed down. They look kinda bleh from what i could see in the first screen shot.
    Fix those, and list the weapons and gametypes it supports.
    Not trying to rant or anything on the map, just trying to give you some tips.
  3. DarkFalcon

    DarkFalcon Ancient
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    Nice map looks good and plays well, It looks like you can camp in alot of places though, the lighting may make it hard for some people overall, 4.7/5.
  4. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    turn contrast up on your TV... thats what i did when i beta tested... camping problem was updated in that game that i had earlier and i fixed the only humans can get to the sky-altar prob by adding a tele in the skycastle. 3 Teles are up on the altar to prevent super easy camping and humans are given pistols instead of traditional SMG's to make it asier on base zombies and the only prob base zombies should have is the 1 sentinel beam in the banshee structure. but thnx for the high-rating.
  5. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    Added Gametype Notes, Placed Objects Are Actually Sturdy, If you want ill show you the map on live.
    And thanks for the good-feedback support leads to updates (this is actually V10 of the map i had like 3 beta-testers for each of the versions, ive been workin on this map since the maps were released on live and i just added the banshee building 2 hours ago)

    Edit: Sorry For Double-Post
  6. Tentrax505

    Tentrax505 Ancient
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    Wow :O this is my first post but i DL'ed it and WOW 5/5 i especially love the MG Nest and the hidden 7-Wood...
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Why do people feel it's necessary to do that? They're already invulnerable... what do they need 4X Overshields for?

    This is exactly why I hate Skycastle and all it's variants. Regular zombies can be spit on and die. They run into an unmanned MG Turret and die. Absolutely no fun if you're a zombie and a totally skillless game type. If my friends and I were playing with you, we'd infect you first and then have everyone fire MG turrets at the zombie spawn area so that you can't leave the building and infect anyone else. We'd keep this up until you quit or the time ran out.
  8. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    The over shields are for show, (and for show in the crypt) plus i gave the humans pistols. to make it easier ill just change to shotties. plus i gave the fat kid an oppertunity as soon as he spawns to get a kill or 2. and theres no MG turrets in the middle of the map so u must be retarded if u un-intentionally run into an mg turret. and with all places in the map super accessible and if the zombies were smart they would grab an mg turret and detatch it.,,

    P.S. NO MG TURRETS ARE POINTING AT THE AREA!!!! (Only if you can magically pull off a frickin magic i can snipe with a plasma cannon from across the map!)
    #8 Tyz51, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Wouldn't just 1X Overshield provide the same glowing effect you're presumably trying to accomplish.

    You're missing the point. Zombies are way too weak. Zombies, at the least, should be powerful enough to withstand two shotgun blasts from a distance ( 1 shotgun blast within bulltrue distance ).

    FYI... Hornets and Scorpions have MG turrets. Banshees and Choppers weapons are just as good as MG turrets. That's six weapons that can pretty much camp on the zombie spawn base. Keep detaching MG and Plasma turrets to cover the zombie base and regular zombies will almost never get out.
  10. waffle1313

    waffle1313 Ancient
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    Looks pretty good from the pictures you've shown I'll dl and try it out.
  11. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    True... well i only have 2 cheap friends that will do that and 1 A-Hole friend that will probaly camp for more then 5 kills... feel free to edit the gametype.
    The "Skycastle" was intended as a team Sayer hammers map (According to the creator) and I recreated it as in infection map... I also made one on avalanche but its super easy to camp so i wont release it.
  12. Big and Firm

    Big and Firm Ancient
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    Wow this dosent look that good but thin I downloaded it and it plays like a champ. I hase a lot of fun on it. So I give 5/5 *****
  13. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    im trying to neaten up the objects and i found only 1 major problem... the zombies can camp on the teleporter where the humans appear out of the crypt, ill fix that intime of my update (I like to update every few days or as much as possible to make sure people dont get bored of it )
  14. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    errr not to be stupid but how do i add a poll?
  15. killbot a61

    killbot a61 Ancient
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    i dont like the attack hornet or the scorpion positioned on the 'castle'
    and i use the term castle lightly
    for in the pictures to me it just looks like a pile of objects floating in the air
    and whats the point of an invincible zombie
    you just run around peeing your pants while the alpha zombie is chasing you with a scorpion
    ditch the tank and attack hornet and take away the zombies driving license and i think it would be better
  16. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    Thats why theres the crypt and the camping spot... I think to give the alpha zombie a chance ill leave the attack hornet but might remove the scropion and if they assassinate the zombie he respawns in the Altar... and withou the driving liscence how would the alpha zombie manuvere around the map when theres 1-2 ppl left?

    Not to be rude but: By the way your comment sounds is that it seems like you have never plaeyed a game on skycastle that involves infection... because the gametype settings are almost alike i just made it a little easier for the zombies... so i suggest that you play the map with 6-16 people b4 actually downing it

    I would also like to open this for any suggestions for a name change... i was prob onje of the first people to post a map with this name but i would really like to change the name of it... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (updates to come in 12-hours)
    #16 Tyz51, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2009

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