Sandbox Sanctum

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by underdog105, Jun 27, 2010.

  1. underdog105

    underdog105 Forerunner

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    Sanctum is a team-based slayer/objective map. The first version was made by ViperBlackwind, and was more oriented towards vehicles, and was too constricted. I opened up the map a little bit, made the map a little bit more like Sanctuary from Halo 2, and did the lighting effects. There are 2 sniper pits hidden well on both corners of the map. Don't forget to download! (I want to give a LOT of credit to ViperBlackwind for actually making the first version of this map! Thank you!) The use of cover in the map and in hotspots will determines who comes out on top!

    Red team pillar/spawn area

    Blue team pillar/spawn area

    Sanctum in a slayer match

    Q: What inspired your creation?
    Sanctuary from Halo 2 was the major inspiration for this map. We wanted to use a new type of cover system, while as other maps are usually very open, this map is put together with cover and flanking in mind. The only spots safe from flanking are in the sniper pits.
    Q: How long did it take you to create this map?
    It took us about 5 hours to make this map.
    Q: What aspect of the map took the longest to make?
    The middle.

    Link to download:
  2. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No offense but I do not see any inspiration from Sancturay.

    Also, I really do not like the FX's. Take those off. (In my opinion.)
  3. underdog105

    underdog105 Forerunner

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    Yeah, sorry about the whole "inspiration" thing. I just put that for some bullcrap reason on halotracks because its "required" and I just copied and pasted it over here... The reason I didn't take the effects off the map (trust me, I got a lot of **** for how dark it is) is that I felt that when I took off the effect, it just didn't feel like my masterpiece anymore. Part of what I feel makes my map different is that it has amazing aesthetics, solid, smooth gameplay, and fast paced action... If you want it brighter, delete the effect on your own time, but I will not change the effect. I feel that that is what brings my map together as a whole. If there are any suggestions for layout/weapon placement/different forging techniques, or a full-fledged review, I would listen to it. Sorry if I am seeming like I am going off on you, I am not trying to be rude or seem like a jerk, but I strongly believe that the darkness of the map completes it. If you ever want to be able to see the map the best, however, I suggest playing the map at night with your lights turned off. It brings out the dark spots and lightens them up incredibly. But, like I said, if you want it bright, you are more than welcome to delete the effect on your own. It's in the dead center of the map. thnx for downloading, tho!

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