Sanctorium Sanctorium is an Asymmetrical map built with the idea of Sword Base for it massive amount of flow an player movement of the map and Reflection for is aesthetic and natural beauty. Together, I created Sanctorium. Sanctorium is also my Forgetacular Contest submission for the TS Category. Weapons on Map - DMR x6, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - AR x6, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - Needle Rifle, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - Plasma Repeater x2, 30 sec - Concussion Rifle, 120 sec - Shotgun, 1 spare clip, 90 sec - Sword, 90 sec - Plasma Pistol x2, 30 sec - Magnum x2, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - Frags x8, 15 sec - Stickies x4, 15 sec Youtube YouTube - A Halo Forged Map - Sanctorium
Looks pretty good, I'm not usually a fan of pre-built structures but they don't seem too out of place on this map. I also like the natural flooring which, from the pictures, looks custom made. Looks good enough for a download, if I like what I see when I run around in it I might try some customs on it and then post feedback later.
Looks really good! I like how you used the natural surroundings as boundary's inside. The lift seams very nifty. But why no sniper?
hmm i guess i never commented on this, very nice job jp. I enjoyed playing slayer while this was in playtesting, i like the different rooms you could fight in and the water outside. good job man best of luck in the forgetacular contest.
When playing this, I didn't have much fun with this map, the spawning was quite horrid. I spawned near an enemy a lot. There happens to be a lot of room in places. One of the only thing I like about the map is the rock part. Its very flat and looks quite good. I have no problems with weapon placement. 6.5/10