looks like a fun map, nice interlocking. however, i would take out a power weapon or 2. there are too many in my opinion. i would suggest the mauler or shotty since you already have the other and possibly the laser
Truthfully i thought from the over view from the 1st pict. "ehh, i dont" but i scrolled down and checked it out more, and though it was really good looking. MLG Carbon Sector v2 download
looks pretty cool, the overall look is nice, thers some cool features and structers that could provide hours of fun, the mauler cave is a nice touch and is interlocked well, that single box at the bck looks abit slanted but sanction looks really good well done
i really like the interlocking and i just dl'd happy to see a ctf map because i feel like everything i play is either infection of FFA
yea good job man this is a swEET MAP AND I LOVE THE SLANTED WALL and the stairs in the middle you have to crouch to get down to.
Yeah, I really wanted to make a symmetrical team based map, I know exactly how you feel. I'm not a big fan of infection, and absolutely love Team games. FFA is fun though, doesn't work too well on this map though
Yeah, you really succeeded in making a great Team map. FFA works but its nowhere near as good as Team on Sanction. My personal favourite is Team BRs on this.