Sanctification Download Description- Team map 3v3+ Contains a camo and overshield Rocket1 snipers 2 brs spikers smg plasmas frags in the sky bubble theres some othere stuff too maybe idr PICtures Thank you and have a nice day you like it or not ratings gameplay replay value ...
Hmm, a map in the skybox that incorporates inclosed aspects??? Well, thats a first, almost everything I have seen has been a typical open layout. Nice to see some variation, but it needs more refining: 1. Removing some unecessary pieces 2. Smoothing out rough patches (interlocking needed in a few locales) 3. Not sure on the spawns yet, but I will get back to you.
come anyone else want to show me some love unnecessary pieces? i could smooth some out spawns need to be tested
sure i'll show you some love i like this map it looks very clean and nice i love the overshield cage and how you did the wooden roof i think this map is really creative and neat i'll give it a 4.5/5 because some places look a little sloppy like i see some big bumps by the fusion coil on the side and the rocket spawn bridge is a little sloppy just smooth those things out and it will be better for a v2 maybey. I can't dl because my H-drive is full but once i clear it up and if you make a v2 i might dl. Keep on forging and i'll be looking out for your next map.