I'm sure you guys are all excited to see what my day or two of bothering everyone for tips has come up with... which is this sig (two different copies w/ differently colored backgrounds). Lemme know which one you think is better. Personally i think they're really nooby so any advice about bettering my skills would be cool. ~~~EDIT:~~~ New sigs are done... tell me what you think: Once again, same picture, just with some effects shifted around.
wow for a first sig this is really well done. I like what you have done on the background. I personally like the first one because the background colour fits in with the spartan. Nice.
This is pretty good man. I have changed my armor helmet on halo 3 and so my sig doesn't exactly fit me anymore. do you think you couls make me a new one? I'll give you a screenshot to work with if that helps
ah, i love that render, i think you should tone down the sparks, maybe set them to overlay. other than, they are very good for your first oh, add a border too, it makes it look better.
wow really? i think i'm up to it. if i were you i'd go for someone a little more pro, but i'll make one and if you don't like it you can trash it, i won't care.
Very cool for a first. My advice: Try and make the render 'blend' in more..so it doesn't look like you just splattered him on there. Oh and try a border. The one in my current sig is a 3px black, then a 2px white, then another 1px black stroke. They call this sort of border a 'Sandwich'
awesome.. you got links to any good tutorials? sorry but for now tutorials and experimenting is all i got. and if i'm actually trying to learn a specific task i need tutorials
GIMP Tutorials and useful snippets Only help I can give you because I use PS. Isn't there a GIMP thread-tutorial in this section of the forum? Oh and at that link just use the search function like 'borders' or whatever you need. =D
The first sig is the best for sure! The gray background one .. And they are pretty good for a first go .. Now just mess around and develop your ideas to get even better sigs! Good job! =]
Not bad for first sigs, I might think that you should branch out though... do something other than Halo, you have a lot of potential!
I'm working on a Ninja Gaiden one which'll be done once I get the "wisp" thing down, and also I'm branching out a lot, just the second two were halo ones for N1nja and the first two were for my unofficial title (Rocket *****... I never got to putting the letters on because I didn't think they were good enough)
Last picture looks really cool.The first two are good but I see exactly what you did.You used the spray brush thing and just a backround.But If you keep making sigs like the last 2 ones you'll get big =).Nice work keep it up.