Questionable life stories aside (see: "Everyone Lies on the Internet"), it is a very nice change of pace to see someone with excellent grammatical skills and impeccable spelling. Maybe you should teach a Forge Hub English class to help some of the English incompetents on here.
Zomg! A smart person! Give him a cookie!!! Welcome to forgehub. Don't double post or we will say 'don't double post thats bad.' Beleive me, it hurts your feelings.
Lolz. I'm actually about the same size as you, 5'4" (5'6" on skates for what it matters), and probably around 125-130ish in pads. But when kids on my team are asshats, so am I (because I usually start it). xD But don't worry, I only pick on the kids that have it coming to them. I'm an equalizer, not an instigator. For some reason, those kids that usually do stupid things worthy of my mockery have suddenly stopped doing them. What a stretch! Yet I will still never regret smashing that one kid's ceramic goose to pieces... (he was drunk the night before and stole it from somewhere, so I broke it when it was inside his bag- hopefully he had a bit of explaining to do to his parents when there were shards of a goose all over his garage).
Oh, I'm just short of 5'8" these days. But yeahh...nice work with the shenanigans on your team... Remind me to talk to you about Interrobang. I downloaded it and went all through it; only I won't be on Live for a few days...
i cant tell if this is real or not it seems like you spent wayy to much time on this intro o be doing all that other stuff is there a catch?
I'm sorry if it comes across as a lie. I guess people don't like to believe one another on the Internet... All what time? I typed that in..5 minutes? Sheezus people are suspicious.
So...what's you IQ? Haha welcome to the hub. We're about the Same age, but, I'M CANADIAN!!!