
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by PonyD, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Thanks man, sorry to see (FH) saw fit to give you a "Warned" notice...
    They seem to be doing a lot of that lately. Feel free to hit me up with a PM with your name, Gamers Tag and a side note of our little conversation so I can send ya a Friend Request whenever I find time to get back on Xboxlive.

    thanks again for the feedback, 4 Ever!
  2. james 117

    james 117 Ancient
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    looks awesome!!! i dont really understand how the zombie gets out but im definatly gonna give it a dL!! fantastic!
  3. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    That is why I wrote a nicely detailed Backstory and Description on how to play the game at the top of the First Page.

    Like what the Pictures and Description says, The "Infected" person inside the cage... can bash his way out when the GRAV HAMMER spawns inside the cage next to him after 45 seconds passes. You then Hit the door multiple times and presto... you are free from captivity.
  4. Hitmonkey

    Hitmonkey Ancient
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    I played this with you last night and it was great, very nice map. Can't wait to see what else you'll make
  5. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I highly recommend this map to anyone viewing this post. I like how it strays away from Traditional Zombies because he can pick up weapons and the prison cell is well done as well. It also enforces team work because he'll kill everyone unless you stick together. One more thing before I shut up, don't go through the teleporter and assassinate him when he goes through
  6. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Thanks a lot and a double thanks for actually giving me feedback on the gameplay of the map. Youll be happy to hear that I have made a Expansion Pack for SALVATION which DOUBLES the size of the entire playing field. Youll thank me later.

    I wont be posting it for a while, so if you really want to check it out before its released.. feel free to send me a Friend Request with a message attached tell me that you wish to see the Expansion Version of Salvation.. Ill gladly let you sneak a peek.
    #46 PonyD, Sep 14, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2008

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