Sacrificial Chamber

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by DeathsVengeance, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. DeathsVengeance

    DeathsVengeance Ancient
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    Are you a fan of zombies? Do you find yourself daydreaming of devouring humans? Do you find yourself afraid of enclosed spaces? If so, then this map is for you!!!



    This is a remake of my original halo 3 map ( Sacrifice Pit ) in the new and improved forge in halo reach. The map is pretty simple... Humans are stuck in a pit where the zombies/beasts/monsters shoot into and devour them. The map contains 8 chutes that surround the humans from all sides... With the map i have two gametypes (Atonement / Atonement Pro) since the first may be too easy as just a massacre of the infected. So if you want a challenge, go for the pro version.​

    Atonement: For this gametype i have fast zombies that die with one shot. Humans start with dmrs (unlimited ammo) and a will to survive. The infected (default: 1 zombie) start with an energy sword and a hunger for human flesh. This makes for a frantic gametype where infection can spread fast while rewarding the more skilled players with chances at higher medals, such as overkill, killtacular, killionaire, etc. There are no armor uses since most just got in the way. Last man standing is faster and can pick up the weapons on the map, if they are fast enough.... Again this may be too simple if the players are skilled shooters.

    Atonement Pro: This is the same basic idea except that zombies now take a headshot to be killed. Just picture yourself playing Swat, except you are shooting zombies instead of other spartans. This a lot of fun in bigger groups since the infection (once spreading) is a lot harder to maintain.

    General: The gametype isnt set in stone, it is only a sample gametype for the map since everyone should customize it their own way. Ive played it before where the infected had camo, or holograms, or even shotguns instead. The weapons on the map can be taken away or made accessible at all times. Either way, it is built for infection games for up to 16 players so have at it. Also The number of original infected can also be increased to add difficulty. Just play with it and tweak it. And yes, i know the roof isnt beautiful.... but its gon be k.

    Now to some pics....

    First we start with the human spawn (up to 16)


    Then we have the zombie spawn in the purple room. Notice the four teleporters that lead to random chutes.


    There are four chutes that are angled down like so


    And four chutes that are angled straight but have a man cannon to shoot the infected in


    There isnt much time to react


    and soon it will end like this


    Disclaimer: Crouching while your head is on fire does not stop infection


    Overall i welcome criticism to the map but do mean for it to be the most amazing thing in the world, so give it a try and let me know how it is.


    Map: Sacrificial Chamber
    Gametype: Atonement / Atonement Pro
  2. Elitearbitar

    Elitearbitar Forerunner

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    Man it looks great, nice ambience.
    #2 Elitearbitar, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010

    MOORESSLC Forerunner

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    nice this is a fun map to play with 4 - 8 people

    once i played a version like this in halo 3 where it had a weapon vending machine :D lets say things got insane

    also how did u make it headshots only?

    i give this map a 9/10
  4. DeathsVengeance

    DeathsVengeance Ancient
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    I achieved a headshot only type of gametype by giving the infected 0% shields, this makes a headshot a direct kill altho you can technically still kill them with like 4-5 body shots.. But most likely you won't have time since they run so fast.... And yes this is great for 4-8 people since it gets competitive and balanced... But you may find that 16 people is pure insanity and is seriously addicting... But thx for the comments
  5. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    This looks like a very well played map, I just have one question though. How long is each round? Is it unlimited time?
  6. Governator

    Governator Forerunner

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    Can't believe I never caught this one in Halo 3. I'm really loving the looks of this map, and downloading as I'm typing this.
  7. DeathsVengeance

    DeathsVengeance Ancient
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    I believe the default time limit is unlimited just because of the fact that it is such a fast paced gametype, but again if you want to change that up then by all means go for it. I tend to stay away from gametypes that have time limits just because the limits can damage the game if you have too many or too little people from what the designer originally tested it with, if that makes sense
  8. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I'm a little uneasy about the one headshot=kill for the humans. My friends and I could pump enough lead to survive forever, even on pro mode. In fact, we'd probably just end up killing one another in order to get the other weapons, Lol.
  9. Ondley

    Ondley Forerunner

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    Are your weapons set to fixed? If so, that could be a problem..
    Nice map anyhoo =)
  10. DeathsVengeance

    DeathsVengeance Ancient
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    the weapons are set to fixed but its not a problem since only the last man can get them and he cant jump high enough to use them as stairs or anything and there isnt enough time anyway.... and for some the gametype may be too easy even with headshots which is why i expect people will make their own and i encourage it since its fun to do so anyway.... just add camo if its too easy or more shields if you have to, just go crazy lol... but in all seriousness, the headshot gametype with enough people and maybe an extra infection start can prove to be more difficult then you think, but thanks for the critiques... i hope to enter this into bungie's contest xD
  11. Stumanji

    Stumanji Forerunner
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    Played this map in a custom night and it was a blast! We had 13 players. At first, it starts out a bit too easy for the humans, but once you have a nice mix of infected and uninfected, it gets hectic.

    Some of the uninfected would forget that there are entrances all around them and would venture too close to the middle. I netted an overkill as a zombie by dropping in on someone's back, then immediately hugging the wall and killing those uninfected that were focused too much on the center of the room.

    Had a lot of fun with this one.

    My only critique is the ceiling. There is a LOT of clipping up there - why not use one big flat structure (or several; not overlapping) instead of dozens of blocks?
  12. Vile In Heartx

    Vile In Heartx Forerunner

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    Anyone wanna play custom games? Trying to start a full game. GT: Vile In Heartx
  13. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I made something like this. Except I had it where the zombies can pick more teleporters, and the ends where the zombies come out are covered in capture plates. It makes it more suspenseful when a zombie would be coming.
  14. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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