This is an older map, and was my first ever seriously forged map that didn't just move scenery and weapons around. Figured I'd share it here, see what you think. Out of the few maps I've made, I'd rank this my third best. Sacrifice : Halo 3 File Details Yet another map with an annoying one time only insta-death occurrence. By this I mean, all of my skybox maps inexplicably kill the player on the very first spawn. Plays with Slayer. This is a two level temple in which the battle takes place on the roof and interior. The roof has upper balconies and a lower structure. The main interior room has a hole in the floor that will send incautious players to their deaths. There are teleports to structures outside of the temple as well. Interior and rooftop are accessed by vents and teleporters. This is a CQB heavy map. Said one time spawn death: Overview:
What is this supposed to mean?! Please elaborate. For future posts I would include weapon and equipment lists.
I believe that would be it, inglorious. For future posts i would hope you actually read the OP. On topic: Yes, you should put a bit more detail into map posts. Eg. have more pictures of wep locations and Points of interests. Make sure your vents cannot be camped by people too much, and really that no one can camp anywhere.
Sorry about that. Typed this up around midnight, must have been tired. By insta-death I mean a one time only spawn death at the start of the game due to an invisible spawn I can't seem to find. Seems to happen on all of my Skybox maps. Thanks for the tips. As for the pictures, I only had ten more screenshots before I maxed out. I used up six or seven of those on my newer, better maps. I've only played this map with a total of three people, they didn't seem to camp much. Not so sure about a larger party, though.