Ok so I havent downloaded it yet, but I think there are a ton of hallways and it might be hard to find the other team. Now everything im saying could be wrong since I havent played, ut it looks like a 3v3 map more than 2v2. 2v2 looks a bit slow. Interlocking 9/10 Map design 10/10 (love it) game play N/A
I love the design of this map especially the use of different levels throughout the map. All the merging looks really clean and smooth. A 5/5 and a definite dl from me. ELITE
hi, the hallways actually serve a very good purpose. the map itself is very small (for comparision, it is smaller than guardian). The halls make it feel a lot bigger than it is by making it so that it can take a while to get to where the action is. they also ensure that the conflict does not always stay in the chamber which i feel is integral to the map. thanks for the comments guys
Nice to see that you took time to do a touch up. I liked the first version. I'll have to down load this version to see all the touch ups. I also hope you added starting points to this version, as apposed to the last.
Looks interesting. You have my DL. Nice interlocking and I love the jail bars. I'll let you know what I think after I play this with my friends tonight. Happy thanksgiving.
Wow i really like your tunnel you have added in left of the Camo ! Good weapon change : Hammer for Mauler . Anyway Good V2 and still forge like a pro !
Hi thanks for the comments. cant believe this thread is still alive. I thought about a hammer but came to the conclusion that it would make the map easily escapable so ive left it out. The Fuel rod cannon and brute shot are also exempt because of this.
I've always liked this map Paranoia and I'm a pretty big fan of some of your work. I'd really like to see you work on another map of this style that's a bit larger. The only two issues with this map for me were slight spawn issues a bit lacking of pathways to the top. If you ever want to run any ideas by me or need some help my GT is the same as my username.
aww thanks man, thats really nice of you. ive jsut posted a new map you might like, ive gone for gameplay over aesthetics for this one. thanks edit, also feel free to lock this thread admin, its keeps getting bumped and i dont want to get into trouble