After getting some advice on the map, I went back into Reach and got to work on getting a Third, hopefully better version of Sacrement. I've put this thread together rather than the old one due to that merge system thats a little bit ridiuculus, and because V0.3 is the biggest update to Sacrement's development. This time round, I will be putting up screenshots from both V0.2 and 0.3 for comparision. So Heres the screenies: Heres the old Sacrement, three ways into the Centre and really just a really small box. Now, heres the New One... You can see it has a bit more than the old Sacrement. Lets get the main differences out of the way. First off, the Corridors. Heres one, as you can see, Its more complete than in 0.2, which had a small hole in the wall. But the major difference? There is now four routes out of the Corridors. The new fourth route leads to the Docks. I couldn get rid of the dead ends after lengthing the corridor, but, after 30 seconds, brace walls cover the dead ends and the intinal spawns, so the dead end is no longer there or accessible for the rest of the game. The second major difference, is the central chamber. As per many a suggestion, I decided to raise the height of the ceiling. Otherwise, the map is still the same. But to point out a few things: You can now jump from the hard bridge (on the right) to the telebridge on the left, you have to jump onto the railing before you jump across, but the increased height means its now possible and offers a means of escape of the bridge. Despite this, teleports will still likely be used to get to the telebridge. Note that both bridges are still the same heights as before. In the branch off area of the chamber, there is now some asthetics done now with the freedom of the raised roof, its not perfect, but I couldn have a better idea. And the docks? Besides the new route to it and adjusted spawn points... Still the same. Another change is the weapons. The same weapons are their in the same amount. But I have moved some of the DMRs to the branch off area to give that area some more perpuse. Also, all DMRs and NRs have no spare clips. The Repeaters obiviously dont have clips and I find the ARs too weak to have with no spare clips. So they have been kept the same. New location of some DMRs And where they used to be: As always, please comment on the 0.3 Sacrement, either through the thread or by private or visitior message. I would like to thank everyone for providing advice on how to update this map, and its Cousin: Consquence (Which I will have updated by weekend) so far. I would like to give a bigger thanks to SpinCycle for managing to review the map and point out what some of the things that needed changing that made me do V0.3, so Thanks and Comment please.
I'm guessing since this is Version 0.3 and not 1.3 that this map is unfinished but I'll give my feedback anyway. From a quick glance it seems like a very narrow map. I would recommend opening it up. I know this can be tough because we naturally want the map to look good but at the same time adding too much will make the map cluttered, which makes it difficult to move around. Also some objects are not lined up right allowing me to see through gaps into the ocean, I.E. Last pic the tunnel is not lined up with the 1x2 Flat. Now I haven't downloaded it so I can't say much more. It looks like an interesting map so when you get done with it I would love to try it out.
After 30s a Brace Large spawns sealing off the rest of the map from the Initial spawns.... what?! So if an AFK player entered a game and comes back 31s into the game, he's trapped inside a small room? You may not like the 'dead-end' rooms, but it needs to stay open, or better still remove it entirely from the map and place the initial spawns somewhere else that doesn't seal itself off mid-game.
Ya that's just weird having spawns that get sealed off. Plus, it just adds more budget and takes away some playspace. I suggest adding onto the map if you dont have enough room for safe spawning. Suprisingly, uncaged is a good example of this (the rocket spawn platform.) Take a look at the map in forge if you have to, but you should know which area I'm talking about. If you have a platform in a low traffic area, it can be used as a safe spawn zone. It could also give the map more "places to go, and people to see" and possibly could open up a good location for a power weapon. Make this new area have both initial spawns AND spawn points, so that can players can get used to orientating themselves from that spawn point. Your initial spawns currently aren't in that bad of a spot, but the whole braces not spawning at start thing is just messed. I would try adding the aforementioned spawning platform behind the initial spawns that you already have placed. Make sure the platform has at least some cover from the docks/teleporter area to prevent seeing anyone spawn there from a long distance away. If you need help hit me up.
I get your point. Good job the Gametype load outs have grenades then. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Right, once the maps been tested I will get rid of the braces. I proberly just tried to be smart rather than use one way shields.
I like the changes you made Lolol Everyone's mentioned the weird brace spawning thing, so I won't mention it. Why not just move the spawns away? I feel like you think that people need to spawn with a wall to their back, but it doesn't matter - no one's going to be fighting during the first ten seconds. If you insist on keeping those braces, (which I wouldn't advise), you should put in a soft kill. Something I forgot to mention before: you should probably make the spawn points in clusters of two - generally both players on a team will die at the same time and would probably want to spawn next to each other.. (lol betrayers) The "jump on the railing to get to the telebridge" idea wouldn't be used ingame very often... it would just be time consuming, and people would probably just go drop down and head through the teleporters. How about turning the bridges upside down? That would make the jump easier. I still have a gripe with the custom placement, the lazy cover, and the lack of weapons. It's good for a first couple of maps, though EDIT: The one way shields have the same problem. HLGers/AFKers can just hide in there forever - you can't shoot through a one way. EDIT: Wow, Auburn's prompt. His TG review sums up the problems quite nicely, plus has some interesting solutions Though I'm sure you've looked at it by now..