I think this looks really cool. I'm going to download and try this version. Also, I saw you disscussing using different items for your "train" in the next version. I think a truck, with a few forklifts following it, would create the best train.
looks really good. Nice map layout and placement. my favorite part is the wall under the stairs ^^ ill dl and try.
I agree with Mallet's comment. I actually like this map a lot, but I just can't exactly describe it. Just a good vibe I guess. Nice job Bl00D!
You got so many downloads in the first day. I guess making a video really makes a difference, and the fact that if you aren't careful;then *WHAM*.... a wire spool hits you.
dang nice job blood, and if you ever need help testing a map i'll be able to help i dont know if it was your amazing map in the video that got all those downloads or just my popular face popping up in a few shots, but non-the-less, the map is great
IJUSTHADTHEBESTIDEAEVUR. You could like, make more stuff above it, like, almost like a city, and then walkways going underground to the subway!!!!!!
thanks all edit, i would but the maps at the elastic barrriar and it would require me to re-build it down. also i have a next to no items left
nice job on this blood. i downloaded it back before the dumpster change you talked about so I dunno if you changed anything else. anyway i finally got around to trying it out today and it was a lot of fun. i had one small issue that mallet actually mentioned before. i love to jump around on a map like a crazy person and you can't make the jump from the middle to on top of the train platform without hitting the dumb barrier. i totally understand why you raised it all up but its a tad bit too high. ah well like i said its just a little issue... no worries. also you might have changed this but why do you have so much stuff that can't be used below your map? floating warthog? 2 stairs and a ton of weapons? you have a bunch of objects there that aren't needed and could be used towards your map.