Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Psychoduck, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    You know what I love about this map? Everything. Seeing maps like these are the reason I even joined the site. It plays as close to perfect as possible, and it's not "closterfobic", lol. I would vote for it, but somebody closed the voting thread a day early.
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol, you sir get a cookie for reminding me of possibly the biggest map feedback fail I've ever gotten. I'm glad you like the map, and I appreciate the fact that you would have voted for it in FHF. The fact that you would have voted for it is what really counts, more so than whether you just clicked a button in a poll. Thanks.
  3. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Hello Psychoduck! I just heard about your map last Thursday, and I didn't get a game on it til Saturday night. I really like the design, and the warthogs, and the urban environment.

    However, I am a huge split screen fanatic. Whenever I play Halo, I have at least 2 people on a single tv. This map lagged like crazy in 3 player offline split-screen. I don't know if this is possible, but could you cut out unnecessary extra stuff? I hate to ask this, but the design is epic, and the gameplay is fantastic, I hate to not have this map on my hard-drive just because of the lag.

    Let me know if you could do that, or if I have permission to do it myself.

  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I'm glad you like the map. When making BTB maps, it's hard enough to even make a map without framerate issues in the first place. Trying to avoid screenlag for splitscreen play is extremely difficult, and in order to do so, gameplay must often be sacrificed. I haven't played the map in splitscreen for a while, although when I did there was almost no screenlag. Ill see if there's anything I can do, but don't get your hopes up. There aren't exactly any unnecessary pieces. everything that's here is here for a reason. Still, I'll see what I can do, and get back to you. I hope this hasn't soured your taste for the map too much.
  5. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's hard enough getting a map to support 2 player split screen, let alone 3. Even Bungie maps have SOME screen lag during 2 player split screen. That's why Team Slayer and Big Team Battle, the playlists with community maps, only allow 2 players per console.

    Anyway. Psychoduck, I played this map a handful of times and have had a great time, every time. The idea of having infantry and vehicular routes with the same amount of travel times is brilliant, I love it.

    I like the Laser being the BFG as opposed to the Rockets because with the decent amount of Warthog carnage going on, it makes you WANT to save your precious 4 shots for the Warthogs, as opposed to splurging a shot off Rocks at the first sign of opposition, which is fairly common Rocket Launcher behavior. GL is an effective secondary power weapon as well, being a 1 shot kill weapon and vehicle stopper.

    Overall it's got great balance to it. Vehicles are a huge advantage, countered by anti-vehicle weapons and infantry only pathways. Warthog stole your flag? THEN TAKE THE SHORTCUT AND CUT THEM OFF. Good stuff.
  6. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Get a lazer, kill ALL the Warthogs!!!!! Seems legit. Warthog driver, U Mad Bro? I don't always make maps, but when I do, I make sure the Hogs aren't OP'd. I bet you thought this entire post was a bunch of meme references. NOPE! It's legit feedback. I was gonna use all memes, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

    But really, I also like the Splaser being the BFG, you can't get trigger happy with it, you have to use a degree of strategy.
  7. Sunlit fallen

    Sunlit fallen Forerunner

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    Congratulations Psychoduck!

    I can honestly say that before now I've greatly disliked almost any map bigger then a 4v4. Due to unfavorable gamepley. But I've greatly enjoyed your map. Good job!
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The laser was chosen as the central power weapon because it actually takes skill to use, especially with hog's ability to weave between the two roads. Of course, every now and then a MockKnizzle or NutDuster will show up and destroy four 'hogs with four charges of the laser.

    I'm glad you enjoy the map Fallen. S is sort of a streamlined big team map, which is probably why it would be more appealing to someone who doesn't like standard big team.

    Keep the comments coming guys!
  9. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played this for the first time tonight and I can say I loved it. It's very unique among other big team battle maps because It brought out the fun of using vehicles while, at the same time, kept non-vehicular battles fun too. I especially liked how you made areas that vehicles couldn't reach; they're helpful when you have the flag and your not trying to get mowed down by a turret.
  10. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Great job on the map phycho! Simple, yet incredible design. Our lobby today loved the map so much we played it 3 times.
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just to prove to myself and everyone else that you don't have to be in a warthog to have fun on here, I played a game without setting foot in a vehicle. It would have been better if my DMR skill was less lacking, but it was still enjoyable.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it Basket, and I'm glad your lobby enjoyed it Darth. Just out of curiosity, what gametypes did you play for your three games? Flag, slayer, and bomb? It's good to hear that people from other areas of the community enjoy the map.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I LOVE this map, such a simplistic concept, but so much fun. My only doubt is the name. I think I would have gone with something like Sigma, S doesn't sound as good out loud.
  13. RiseUpAndFight

    RiseUpAndFight Forerunner

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    This map is fantastic. Honestly, it's a great concept, infantry movement feels completely free (I was worried about this because of the confined-looking, infantry-specific areas). It reminds me a bit of Rat's Nest in Halo 3, but a million times more interesting to play. Also, the layout reminded me a bit of this particular Team Fortress map: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/6/6d/Epicenter_overview_TFC.png

    Also, have you tried replacing one Warthog at each base with a Revenant? It seems to me that the Revenant could be a good counter to the back-and-forth playstyle of the Warthogs on this map, as it can strafe side to side, has insane Warthog-flipping power, and is balanced by the fact that it moves slower than the Hog (I think its boost function would go mainly unused on this map, due to the decrease in handling that boosting gives)
    #53 RiseUpAndFight, Dec 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2012
  14. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Forerunner

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    This map looks very clean and polished; using the layout to block sightlines to prevent framerate lag was clever. It reminds me of rat's nest too, but for fewer players. It looks like it can support even more players if other routes were added. A route from the mongoose to the closed end of the base (repeated symmetrically) would give a choice for hogs and infantry, though it would take away the strict S resemblance- it would look a bit closer to an 8, but not curvy everywhere. The single thin upper walkway could be widened or made into two seperate walkways, with some cover in the middle to prevent standoffs for the neutral bomb. The bottom level of structure could provide some more space for movement and spawning out of the way of hogs. The track could be wider, the full length of a coliseum wall in most places, at the cost of the partial large brace flooring. In fact, I'm trying to do that just to see how it would look, and I'm almost finished. If this map is perfect for 5-7 players, then the expanded version could support 8, the BTB standard. I saw how you were interested in changing an already good map (Cargo port) , so I thought that you might feel similar when it comes to other maps. Psychoduck, if you're interested in the layout, message me.

    I have a feeling that I'm not the only one who disagrees about adding revenants. The warthogs wouldn't stand a chance of evading them on this map, it would just prevent hogs from advancing, making them useless. The best a hog could do would be to not expose its side so that it wouldn't flip as quickly. The revenant wouldn't need to move fast; it's a pretty small map. It would be worse than adding a chopper on rat's nest, frankly.
    #54 zeppfloydsabbtull, Feb 19, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  15. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I am always up for improving my maps, as i'm currently doing with Cargo Port. That said, there is no need to make any changes to S at this time. I have considered adding paths like the ones you mentioned from the mongoose rooms to the back of the bases, but they would actually be very unnecessary, and ruin the flow of the map. There's no need to widen the upper walkway, and widening the roads would throw off the delicate balance between infantry and vehicles that this map creates. Keep in mind that (prior to release) I have already rebuilt this map almost from the ground up, solving all of it's major issues. That's not to say the map is perfect now, any hyper-experimental design like this is bound to have a few flaws, but the balance between infantry and vehicles is perfect currently, and that's not something I'm going to change. Adding revenants would not work at all either.

    Thanks for the feedback.

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