In a time where the halo is of the utmost importance to the survival of the universe, there is one key that could shut down other rings than the major three. This key is known as citadel S-15. Once the third halo had been destroyed, hope was lost for citadel S-15 due to a splash damage brush from the explosion. However the site still remains. ABANDONED....... Map Overview Human Base Covenant Base A new feature is the INDESTRUCTABLE GRAVITY LIFTS!!!!! Which are built into the floor! Download-> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
some things i like geomerging the movable object (grav lifts) the interlocked stairs the increasingly large font some things i dont like turrets lack of cover in general forging techniques 5/5 map itself 3/5 overall 4/5
first impression 2.9/5---its way too open dude aesthetics 2/5---the only thing is the interlocked grav lift, but the thing in the middle woulda taken like 5 seconds gameplay 3.5/5---it has potential, like with snipers only, or like needlers only, or rockets only, but otherwise, not that fun overall 3/5---could have been better, instead of just a wall with walkway on the sides, and a bridge to a center structure if you have any questions PM me
Looks like a good map, nice use of interelocking. By the way, did you base it off of Halo 2s Foundation? 3.5/4 maybe a 4/5