I saw that render at Planet Renders . Hmmm... I think you should work a bit on blending him in to the background a bit more and try keeping all the text in one general area of the signature so it doesn't make you go looking for it, you are getting better at the fonts to choose IMO from what I have seen. Under his armpit on the left side its a bit pixelly try going back to that layer blurring it and then smudging it again, that should do the trick. Keep up your work.
Much better blended, and I see you fixed the text, just make the Ryuk a bit more obvious that its there, I can't really see the text that says Ryuk. Hmm just for fun add a Gradient Map and set it on screen and put it on 75% opacity, and sharpen the background once and go to EDIT>FADE LAST FILTER> and fade it so the number says 75%. Oh sorry to make you work harder, add a border too . Don'tcha love the job of a graphic designer lol?
It matches the signature, I think it looks good. For my next anime signature I might make... Kisuke Urahara from Bleach he is my favourite character from Bleach hes hilarious sometimes, wait........I forgot about ( . Y . ) ORIHIME! LOL. Jokesss. Keep it up bro.
wow I'm a huge fan of Death note so this is just cool in that reguard and it is even cooler in the fact that it is a death god (can't spell that S word) it just rock okay it is teh awesome.
I'm not a huge deathnote fan, but that looks like a pretty good sig. I have seen enough episodes to know that that guy likes apples and is ugly.