
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Boomshaft, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. Boomshaft

    Boomshaft Forerunner

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    Ryanodine will support up to 16 player in all gametypes listed (I think) but it's recommended use is for 2-8 players as it is a small map. This is my first map I really took the time to polish and I want to put it out to the people for testing. I could drone on about how I was inspired to make this map but really I just pulled it out of my a**.

    This map was meant to be played. In saying that I mean that not only does it aesthetically look good, but it also flows and plays quite well. Every building or area has at least 2 paths leading to it breaking up defensive bottlenecks in any one area. While the map is asymmetrical it has been designed so that no one area or spot will give too much of an advantage over other areas. And since gaining elevation in this map can give an advantage over players beneath, the majority of the 'good' weapons have been placed on the ground floor. There are however desirable weapons up in the buildings as well, but acquiring them will be a risk as some of them are in very exposed areas or very near explosive fusion coils making one carefully placed shot the difference between you picking up that nice piece of firepower or watching your dead body flying across the map. The overall theme to the map is to keep players constantly moving about the map, looking to gain tactical advantage, grab equipment, health, ammo, or sneak up on someone. All the supported game modes also cater to the same idea keeping the action dynamic throughout the map.

    Enjoy it and leave any feedback that could help me improve the map no matter how small a detail it may be.

    General overview:

    Overview from above:


    Building with Jurassic Park style fence in background:

    Center part of the map:

    Lower Building:
    #1 Boomshaft, Oct 18, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  2. Sych0n0ught

    Sych0n0ught Forerunner

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    I like the fence idea.

    Never seen it before.
  3. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mmmmmm...This map looks tasty. I love the aesthetics that you put into this map, such as the Jurassic Park fence line. I'm curious, how do the fusion coils affect gameplay? Have you considered color coordinating objects to allow people to use callouts? The map looks great, I can't see much room for improvement. Very clean presentation. Will download and play over the weekend.
  4. Maverick2784

    Maverick2784 Forerunner

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    Great Map Flow!

    I wanted to try the map out before I posted and found it to be better than what I perceived from the pictures. Yes, as stated by Golly, very creative with the Jurassic Park fencing as a boundary. While I don't think it's required to color code the buildings it may help in orientation of the player after each spawn. However I found the ground slope of the map to be the best indicator of direction. The cover in the map is very natural, nothing looks out of place and it all flows together. Having natural elements to the map and not just building blocks & ramps breaks up the textures giving the map good aesthetics. Also the explosive cores placed around the map only came into play in a few instances, and I like that they are not over-used.

    On to the bad :( There's not much really, but I did find a ledge that I could hide on keeping me away from all the action (cheap for games like oddball). While it's nice the map supports 4 teams perhaps you should think about labeling their bases during team games.

    Overall this is a very flowy asymmetrical map which is great for split-screen games and LANs.
  5. Boomshaft

    Boomshaft Forerunner

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    I will try adding colors to see what it does to the level. Call-outs are always easier when everyone knows what you're calling out. Thanks for the feedback so far. In posting the map here I was hoping it would get a little more attention, feedback, and most of all some people willing to play test. I have only been able to do a little play testing of my own with a some friends. This map really was designed to be used for split-screen and system link games as Scotty stated above.

    Senior Member

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    You shouldn't have any weapons labeled as Fixed. I know it looks cool when the weapon is floating, but the bug with fixed weapons is that if they are dropped, they cannot be picked back up again...and they just float there in the air as a now solid object, wherever it may be.
  7. Boomshaft

    Boomshaft Forerunner

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    The fixed sword spawn has been changed. (Something that should have never happened as I spotted it in play testing but forgot to change it) Anyway the "Download Now" button has been updated to Ryanodine v1.1 which has the correction.
  8. Sector 47

    Sector 47 Forerunner

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    I wouldn't mind to playtest hit me up with an invite if you need me.
  9. CptnAction

    CptnAction Forerunner

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    A fast and fun map!

    I really enjoy the aesthetics and clean style of this map, but best of all it plays really well! There is good movement around the map as well as between the levels. Also there is an adequate amount of cover everywhere on the map without feeling confined.

    I think most of all I appreciated how fast you can get back in the action. It plays well even if there are only a few players on it and would be perfect for LAN and quick objective games.

    Weapons are well spread out and are balanced across the map. Maybe consider placing the more powerful weapons on the ground floors to entice players to not just stay on the high ground.

    Really fun map overall. Keep up the good work!
  10. Maverick2784

    Maverick2784 Forerunner

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    That was one of the greatest play test sessions ever. The only problem I can think of right now is that you didn't include assault or 1-bomb whatever it's called into your supported game types. Not that it's my favorite gametype or anything but it seems like it would fit the map well and that just about every other gametype has been included. Other than that this map is a blast with just a few people. I wish we could play this map publicly with others as well. Anyway, I gotta get back to forging my creation, you've inspired me :)
  11. sst nyko

    sst nyko Forerunner

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    Seems like one of the great map around here, I will download and post more comments later on.

    Edited by merge:

    After testing it,I have a few suggestions

    - Too many fusion core
    - A couple forge item are not aligned/merged properly
    - And the power weapon position is counter intuitive. Have a power weapon in the middle of the map so everyone has a chance to get to it and not only spawn next to it.

    Other then that, this map is sharp, looks amazing and would surely make one of the best forge ffa map.
    #11 sst nyko, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  12. Boomshaft

    Boomshaft Forerunner

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    sst nyko, thanks for the feedback and I have a few questions for clarification.

    -As for the fusion coils, I based the number of cores used on halo 2's 'lockout' as both maps are about the same size. I could think of a few places I could removes some coils. However the coils don't seem to affect gameplay too heavily (I've only ever gotten 1 explosion kill). If there is any place in particular that you feel has been 'over-coiled' I'll tone it down. Though I did want to see coil-explosion kills during battles on this map. Would removing coil respawning solve the over-coiled feel of the map?

    -Not properly aligned items, this I kind of pride myself on and would be very interested in what is not lined up. As far as I remember from testing I snapped everything together and all blocks/walkways, whatever are flush. There's nothing more annoying than not being able to strafe around in a gun fight because if improperly aligned items (can ruin a map and it looks like sh*t).

    -I agree with you about the power weapon placement and I don't really know what to do there. The center of the map I thought was just too easy to get to so I didn't put a weapon there. Instead I went the route of putting the power weapons in places of less traffic however at the time of forging I thought the nade-launchers were the more powerful weapons on the map instead of the shotty or sword. Perhaps I would be best off swapping close quarter weapons with the nade-launcher spawning points.

    Now that I think of it perhaps I could kill 2 birds with one stone if I placed a power weapon in the center of the map along with a fusion coil or two, making the power weapon a high risk & high reward.
  13. Maverick2784

    Maverick2784 Forerunner

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    I could see where the fusion coils could be annoying with respawning coils as someone could constantly blow up a coil on a walkway to get kills. I'd say lose the respawns on the coils, once they blow they don't come back. That would be most like lockout if that's the style you were going for.

    I never found any mis-aligned items on the map as nyko stated. I actually that this was a very clean map with everything properly aligned.

    As for the power weapons, you guys are both right. The center is too accessible to put a power weapon there, but at the same time maybe the shotgun and sword should be placed somewhere else, but no idea where.

    Had another FFA match on this map, I love dropping down on people from the walkways...

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