It looks like a bunch of meshed up colours, theres no flow, the text is to me bad, uhm. I'm giving it a 3/10 o-o But you might get better ratings from other people.
Cncs are not for number ratings, gtfo. Ya need a bettar clour scheme and alot more blending, maybe add some gradient maps, lighting etc..
the brown background isnt going well with the semi opac c4d on the top... consider using a color gradient. (assuming u no how)
The flow is way off and the text is bad. Work on those two and post a v2. To stay positive, so you don't take this the wrong way, I really like the effects you used.
A little better, it's super busy, which makes it really hard to see the focal and the text. Smudge, blur, do anything you can to make a clear (mostly) focal.