Pledging to Leave Georgia, Russia Instead Tightens Grip By MICHAEL R. GORDON Published: August 17, 2008 WASHINGTON — Even as Russia pledged to begin withdrawing its forces from neighboring Georgia on Monday, American officials said the Russian military had been moving launchers for short-range ballistic missiles into South Ossetia, a step that appeared intended to tighten its hold on the breakaway territory. The Russian military deployed several SS-21 missile launchers and supply vehicles to South Ossetia on Friday, according to American officials familiar with intelligence reports. From the new launching positions north of Tskhinvali, the South Ossetian capital, the missiles can reach much of Georgia, including Tbilisi, the capital. The Kremlin announced Sunday that Russia’s president, Dmitri A. Medvedev, had promised to begin the troop withdrawal in a conversation with President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, who negotiated a six-point cease-fire agreement. Mr. Medvedev did not specify the pace or scope of the withdrawal, saying only that troops would withdraw to South Ossetia and a so-called security zone on its periphery. The United States and European leaders reacted with wariness, and Russia’s recent military moves appeared to add an element of frustration. “Well, I just know that the Russian president said several days ago Russian military operations would stop. They didn’t,” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “This time I hope he means it. You know the word of the Russian president needs to be upheld by his forces.” From the New York Times, August 17, 2007. So what are your opinions? I think that Russia is putting itself in a very stupid position. They are meddling in foreign affairs which as we all know does not work out well usually.
You should of done this in the debate fourm. MOD? Anyways all Russia is doing is trying to regain land back that they lost. They may be democratic, but there acting socialist. Threads like these are often made in general chat, they're by no means limited to the debate section.
I didn't put it there because I didn't want it to turn into an argument because there isn't much to argue about. I'm just saying that Russia is acting before thinking. So don't call a mod. It's k.
The thing with Russia is, they are doing exactly what we are doing in Iraq. They go to Georgia to fight for oil, we go to Iraq to fight for oil. Only difference I see is, Russia hasn't lost over 4,000 soldiers. They finished their oil war in about a week, where it has taken the U.S. 3 years.
I think that Russia being in georgia is kinda funny, I mean, there haven't really been any hostile invasions in a while and I find it funny that Russia of all places is the "bully". Russia is deffinantly putting itself in a very tight spot doing something like this while everyone is watching
Are you ****ing retarded? okay, we are just going to Iraq for oil,not to protect the hundreds of thousands of innocent people getting killed everyday, or even just as retaliation for 9/11 Think before you say something stupid asshole I don't need to explain why you are retarded, I think it's pretty clear
I personally don't think that it has much to do with oil at this point, but people have to understand that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. In fact, most of the hijackers were Saudi. They came from a country where we actually get most of our oil. Thoughts?
Masterjelly you are 100% right quote=ZgreenZ;404051]Are you ****ing retarded? okay, we are just going to Iraq for oil,not to protect the hundreds of thousands of innocent people getting killed everyday, or even just as retaliation for 9/11 Think before you say something stupid asshole[/quote] _____________________________________________________________ no he is not ****ing retarded he is right learn the difference hundreds of didnt pass grade1 math did you? i think in three years there has been 4000 american deaths in iraq the most people that are dieing are the people in iraq and as said by jelly the hijakers from 9/11 were saudi NOT iraqian....awkward huh invade the wrong country and conveniently theres oil in the falsely invaded country for the government to take after they "liberate" the country dont tell someone to think before they say something when your post was made in a blind rage like when a 4 year old dosnt get a candy at the store ....obviously you sir are a moron you are to stupid to use common sense(which even a fish has) and have to relie on what the news tells you the sad thing is hes right...and if hes retarded...what the hell are you?