Sandbox Rupture

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by iTz Longshot, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By Longshot619

    The design layout was randomly thought together while in my Graphic Communication class. I wanted to put together great map elements from other maps(not original) and put it together to try to create something different. The key maps that i thought of to put the map together was "The Pit", "Construct" and "Lockout". i wanted it to be somewhere between a medium and small map. Not all of the "Cript" as used. At least 1/5 is is blocked off by walls on the Blue side. Rupture has two symmetrical bases/sides and asymmetrical high and low points(Custom and Rockets/P.Pistol) There is a Hall in center wall structure that contains the mauler. Sniper Rifles drop spawn nears carbine side on both bases.

    Wepon List:
    [​IMG]x8-Respawn-10 Sec.s
    [​IMG]x4-respawn-90 Sec.s
    [​IMG]x1-Drop Spawn-120 Sec.s
    [​IMG]x1-Respawn-90 Sec.s
    [​IMG]x4-Respawn-30 Sec.s
    [​IMG]x4-Respawn-30 Sec.s
    [​IMG]x1-Drop Spawn-150 Sec.s
    [​IMG]x1-Drop Spawn-180 Sec.s

    MLG Gametype Settings(OddBall coming soon)


    (Action Shots will be posted up soon)

    Special Thanks:
    All testers from Forgehub who came and joined on October 25.


    #1 iTz Longshot, Oct 31, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good map. Testing was fun... I do like the design and gameplay of the map so I will download. Hopefully you made those changes everyone wantes >.>
  3. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol yea i did. i put a small box infront of the base so u are able to get up there easyer, the small box on the longhall side was stuck out farther, hill1 was moved up to the rockets, mauler on drop spawn and plasma pistol under the rockets. i put a spaw area for CTF, sadely i havent test it out with that on, but its still a work in progress. would like some more idea. thanks for the comment.
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    One thing that I always never seem to find in MLG maps is personality. This map has a lot of personality. After downloading I only found 2 problems. There are a lot of columns on the map, and while these provide cover, they don't look the best. Also, I found a way to grenade jump on to the top middle structure.
  5. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comment. for the colomns, i have thought about take out the 2 colomns in front of the base because it seems to give to much cover and not a great view of the map facing them or on the bases. for the nade jump thanks for the warning but sadely i cant think of a way to do so, is there a way that u can show me(like a small film and a link) or a picture? thanks
  6. Creech n Spawn

    Creech n Spawn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll admit, I'm not an MLG player. I basically just play Halo 3 for puzzle maps and forge. But after seeing this map, and reading such positive comments I had to try it.

    The map is really well forged, I had a lot of fun playing it with a few buddies of mine. I even saw some nice geomoerging in there too. I just really liked the layout of the map, me the ony frustration I had with it was the custom power up. Now like I said I'm not an MLG fan, but the custom power up spawned really fast, it really annoyed me and my friend when one of us would always have it.

    I found a few grenade jumps, but only up onto a few columns and that's nothing that would disrupt gameplay since you'd get killed instantly anyway. But yeah I really liked it, and it had me wanting to put my aesthetics towards an MLG map.

    Also, I'd like to point out that the name is what caught my eye. It's very catchy and has a good ring to it. Overall I give the map 9.5 outta 10. Only because of the custom power up. lol.

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