
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MattDrgaontamer, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. MattDrgaontamer

    MattDrgaontamer Forerunner

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    Created by MattDragontamer & MightyFishHead

    Map Description

    Ruppee is a balanced RvB type map supports a wide variety of gametypes. You have the Red base to the south and Blue base to the north, with a large bridge spanning from one hilltop to the other. The name “Ruppee” is based off the Zelda name for the in game currency, but in order to avoid copyrights we added an extra ‘P’ in there. You will mind you, if you look hard enough, see the iconic shape of the “Rupee” in the map. If you happen to download this map, you will probably say that it seems unbalanced. Well, to squash all doubts, the map had been tested by four people to measure distance accessibility and maneuverability. There is a 1 second advantage for blue on the bridge, but that’s where it ends.

    The best way to judge this map and to understand it, is to play on it and find out for yourself. :) OH! and may I suggest playing headhunter on this map... :D You'll have a rolling of a good time!

    Update 7/23/2011:
    - The map has beed re-uploaded into my file share with all game types included. Enjoy!
    - Hammers removed (too much power)
    - Kill walls improved (I tested quite a bit, should be fixed.)

    Full map overview

    Long View from blue base

    The Bridge

    RED Base

    BLUE Base

    MattDragontamer would like to thank Mightyfishhead for his opinions, design thoughts, skills in forge and friends to test out the map.

    To the community, please leave feedback. Bad and good.
    #1 MattDrgaontamer, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  2. Crysis1110

    Crysis1110 Forerunner

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    Wow this looks very good I'm surprised its not for invasion as it would work great.
  3. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Though the bases look good, I think they have a little bit to much major premade objects. One thing bad that I see with that is your budget is only 45. With the budget being like that it concerns me that there might be some framerate issues in custom games, maybe discoing as well. Im just going to post that you should check out the framerate and maybe discoing, splitscreen in sustom games. As right now im away from my home so I cant download this for myself.

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    This map looks like a good map for big team and objective games. I like the detail used in it as well. Keep forging.
  5. MattDrgaontamer

    MattDrgaontamer Forerunner

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    Yea, I will eventualy get around to making the Invasion and Race game types for this map. I will probably do this tonight or tomorow and re-upload to my file share.

    Edited by merge:

    Yea it actually caught me by supprise when I say my budget.
    The objects used on the bridge are expensive and numurous.
    But I have played with my sis on my xbox and three others online and it
    seemed fine on all game types. I would like to get a group of 16 to truly test the map out on all game types. Thanks for your comments.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks, the initial thought was a big team map, but with more to it then just two bases. One thing I noticed though in the tests was the challenge in driving around.
    If you have a "heavy foot" and lack driving skills you will end up over the edge of the hills. The one thing I noticed with most maps made in forge, is that very few make their maps "functional" and built to have flow. I wanted to make something that may be one day make it into the playlists. I may be dreaming big, but like they say, dream big or go home.
    #5 MattDrgaontamer, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011
  6. MattDrgaontamer

    MattDrgaontamer Forerunner

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    Send me an invite when you do. I would love to play a big team match.
    #6 MattDrgaontamer, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011
  7. Jellyjamz

    Jellyjamz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off, a warning. Harsh criticism ahead. The overall design is nice, But you can get Spartan Laser and Sniper Rifle in very little time. The hammers on top of the bridge are a no-no. Are they their for decoration? Also, you might want to work on your safe zone/kill zones. My friend and I went out of your map, to the crypt and back, in a falcon. Also, you can chill out on some rocks way under the bridge. And finally, the middle of the bridge bugs me. Why should you be flung to your death if you decide to not ramp over rocket spawn. Just a few concerns. But otherwise, the concept is good, and with a little work, you can make this map amazing. 7.5/10
  8. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Constantly overused spot, too simple of a design, little balance and too little tactic involved in the map. However, I do like the idea of a btb map and this map needs more work but in the end, it will be a good map once you fix all that.
  9. MattDrgaontamer

    MattDrgaontamer Forerunner

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    Thanks for the heads up. I think I fixed the kill walls and softkills. As for the hammers. I took them out. I also found that they might be overkill.
    As for the lazer and sniper, they will remain the same.
    The sheilds on the bridge are there to stop an attack from below, but also act as a trap if you don't make the little jump or miss-step. This is quite an interesting spot when playing ctf, headhunter, zombies and Invasion.


    Edited by merge:

    Thanks for the reply. There are a few reasons why the same spots are used. Mainly because they are key spots and give a chance to defend aswell as attack. The design is simple, that's the point, I wanted it simple enough so that people can jump in and not wonder where the heck they are every 30 secs or at each respawn.
    I changed a few things like weapon spawn times and removed the hammers. It should be a little better now.
    #9 MattDrgaontamer, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011

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