^ you had to be there from RSC to actually get addicted. You have no idea lol. That game has ruined so many people. But some come out ok. No joke lol.
Runescape was the first MMORPG that I played. I loved it at first, I loved it until I got to like lvl 60 on my first account. Then I realized. It was only fun because I didn't know where everything was. Once you figure the game out, it gets very dull and repetitive. The same areas have the same conversations. The same group of people would always eb standing in the same place. (When they were on) Etc, Etc. The game is just really small for the people that don't pay. I payed at one time, for like a month, but it's the same, just more random crap they threw in there. Overall, it's a good MMORPG to start out on, if you haven't played any yet. But once you play another, you'll never want to go back to Runescape. I payed for WoW for five months, the only reason I don't play it now jsut as much as Halo is that I can't afford it. Runescape after playing another MMORPG: 0/20 _________-- I'm seeing a few RSC comments. I played it, I wasn't there from the beginning, but I played it some before it went to the oldest members only place. I didn't enjoy it as much as the newer version. I hate the whole thing now though,
you people do know that there are free private WOW servers right? But yeh, i played runescape when i was 10 for a short while, then it got old, fast and the combat SUCKED!
^^ like polish said. Combat Scenario: Me - I swing (2 second pause) Him - He swings. (2 sec pause) I use magic (1 sec pause) He swings his sword (he hits hard) (2 secs later) I teleport.
Using a free WoW server is wrong. They made the game, they want people to pay, not bypass any expenses. Anyway, you two are right, combat sucks: Click - swing. . . . . . . . . swing. . . . . . . . . 'You've killed (some random thing here)!!!'
Was worth over 200m, then came bots. Now everyone is worth over 200m? MMOs = BOTS = Those who are rich and those who are poor. (Or more accurately; Those who cheat and those who don't)
Ugh, can't believe how bad Jagex F*cked RS up, I just got to the point where pking would have been SOOO much fun for me. My bro had just gotten 94 mage and 95 str and I had gotten to 99 str and almost 84 mage. We were both 20 def pures (I'm Hellmo34, he's Diadelmuerto). Goddamnit, what a waste of my bloody time...Damn you to hell Fagex.
I used to play Runescape aswell and I agree with you; Jaxeg ruined the game, lol, it was good at the beginning, but then it whent BOOM, update, and Runescape is ruined.
i had a level 70 somethin and me and my like 20 friends played nonstop we all quit in 8th grade before the ****ed it up
That's too expensive for suicide! JK. I was a, uhm, goldmember? At Runescape, it only costs 5 euro's in my country a month.
my fav memory in like grade 7 was like getting noobs and telling them to team up in the wildy and get yur real friend to come out and freakin beat the **** out of him and take his **** HAHAHA