map is here Run and Dodge Run and dodge is a map of mass confusion. The second it starts it bombards you with various items. At the front of the hall is a hill that will be the object of control for the rest of the game. The map is a little flawed because I have not put the updated version of the game up yet so when you start you will have to turn down the fusion coils instantly respawn button down to 2. Otherwise it is to hard to controll the hill for long. The gametype's here Sorry the map is here Mass Hysteria
Welcome to Forgehub, your post is not up to........oh did it right. Grats, i see you read the rules. On to the map, it looks pretty cool, and the idea has been done before, but not like this, so good job on this
can we have more pics but i think this could be a hit but next time go for something different i have seen this time and again and i am getting sick but i like how you have to get to the end to win good job on that.
Probably should be under Casual, not Competitive. These kind of maps are usually fun (like barrel blaster) but I don't see much originality.
***moved to casual*** Pretty nice map overall. Also, the thread was fairly well laid out. I would give the map a 3/4 and the thread a 4/5. Keep up the great work. PS: Sorry about the RROD, good luck with that.