Download Ruix Weapon list Sniper x 1 Shotgun x 1 Grav Hammer x 1 Needler x 2 Needle rifle x 1 Grenade Launcher x 1 Frag x 5 Plasma Grenades x 7 Pistol x 1 Assault Rifle x 2 DMR X 2 -edit I've had this map built for a long time and have neglected getting round to posting it. I originally wanted a multi walkway map. With lots of criss crossing and possible access points via risky jumps or jetpacks. However i feel that while it still holds alot of this it also holds enough for the player to negotiate the map without risking any brave jumps. The various walkways and platforms offer a varried amount of cover not so much as to hinder those that jump but enough to balance both defence and offence of this type of play. As i got stuck into creating this map i didnt want my walkways to just end into the cliffside and go no where. I often feel a map should have a purpose and never appear as a closed in arena for a fight. So i decided on putting in closed doorways to offer more to the imagination to suggest a room or building inside the cliffs. This then came to allowing players access to these doorways. Unfortunatly this was only possible to me via teleporters. The problem i have with teleporters is often the fear of 'entering the unknown' if teleporters are not used correctly then it is often more than easy enough to dominate a map by killing anyone coming through the teleporter. To try and solve this i added various doorways and on differant levels in and out of the room and to remove any power weapons spawning in this room. This encourages the players to keep the fight outside and only use the inside as a through route or spawning location. As the majority of the map was created with buildings, plaforms and other grey dull structures i felt i had to colour coordinate the map. Seperating it into sections of certain colours. This will allow for easyer comunication in describing points on in game. There is nothing worse than saying 'I got shotguned by a guy in the big room with the funny thing sticking out' Instead a simple 'Shotgun guy in lower green'. With the walkways i wanted to stick with my rule that everything should lead somewhere so i needed to incorporate some open space platforms. These played well with certain gametypes such as KOTH and Head Hunter. You wouldnt want to loose all those skulls after killing someone in transit on a bridge. So chasing them down onto a platform may probably work best. Whilst the images in the post show only A - B routes i have allowed the player access to points by other means. Weather a player wishes to stick to the paths clearly made they can as previously states leap to and from walkways and also seek to go around with some tricky jumping or keen of eye for alternate routes laid out. The map does offer some good power weapons to assist in some good kill streaks but these would come at a cost. The sniper for instance leaves you at the maps lowest point meaning no camping at its spawn and it also only offers one way out via a grav lift into an open walkway. I also wanted to reduce the opportunity of grabbing power weapons from start by having a spawn timer to allow the game to get underway making it even for teams to gain opportunity to grab those weapons. Ruix is one if only my first real maps i feel quite satisfied with posting to the public. Although i feel i could do more with it i have become quite stumped with work on it. Hopefully posting here and gathering constructive critisim will help to work out some of the nics. Enjoy and let me know what you feel it may need. Download Ruix : Halo Reach : File Details