Sandbox Ruins of Helios

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ICanHazH34DSH0T, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. ICanHazH34DSH0T

    ICanHazH34DSH0T Ancient
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    Ruins of Helios
    By ChRiSxOSSIM, zxBatmanzx, and KrazyPhil

    Brief Synopsis: The main focus of this map was to make a map that consisted of narrow pathways and long sightlines that were situated over a dark abyss (Just because the sky bubble is so cool). I always like a map in Jedi Outcast for the gamecube called Warring Factions, which had series of very narrow paths and virtually no cover. So i tried to make something that was similar to that but also had good gameplay in Halo, so this map was created. The whole name came from my friends obsession with the killball, who decided to hover one high in the sky and call it the sun. He kept trying to find different ways of "sacrificing yourself to the Sun God", and that is where the name came from. Helios was the Greek Sun God before Apollo (I know. I did my Wikipedia-ing), and I was trying to make a ruined-looking map from the many different objects in the Sandbox pallet, so we came up with the Ruins of Helios. Long story over, and now the map....

    Map Description: The map is situated in a crude cross, with the team spawns located at two tips (east and west) and the two major structures at the other two tips (north and south). Different pathways branch off the origional cross that lead more directly to the two structures. One structure is "The Temple of Helios". Basically it is a temple with random interior designs (thanks to Ardy) that has a bright purple glow because purple is the best color ever. The other side is called..........Red...Laser..Point? (I'm not very creative). Basically it is a cool structure with a laser obelisk at the end that makes everything turn bright red, which is also pretty cool. Both spawn sides have their own very narrow sniper perch, which holds, you guessed it, a sniper.

    Supported Gametypes: Due to the "too many objects on map" **** message, the map only supports Slayer and Capture the Flag.

    Weapons (in total)
    4 Battle Rifles
    2 Carbines
    2 Maulers (Located on the stepping stones on either side of the temple)
    2 Sniper Rifles
    1 Spartan Laser
    1 Brute Shot
    1 Sword

    Blah blah blah...this map sucks....where are the Pictures:

    Overview (I recommend zooming the picture in to see a little clearer)

    Temple of Helios (Best thing I ever forged...ever. Yes I do suck at forge thanks for asking)

    Red Laser Point (Home of the Spartan Laser)

    Temple Bridge (Brute Shot Spawn)

    Sniper Perch (Identical on both sides)

    Temple Interior and Sword Spawn

    Sorry for the dark pictures, the effects look too epic on the map. Downloads are appreciated. Me and my friends had fun on this map, and so can you.

  2. An UrgeTo Dance

    An UrgeTo Dance Ancient
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    This looks pretty good but next time you might want put a weapons list, il dl it
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    On the front of the "Temple of Helios" ...

    what did you make the stairs out of there? Or is it a bunch of small ramps and just looks like stairs from the angle? do you have to jump up that, or is it a smooth surface?
  4. ICanHazH34DSH0T

    ICanHazH34DSH0T Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The stairs on the Temple are indeed made out of small wedges and you can walk up them without jumping. And i also have a weapons list for people that just look at pictures. Thanks for the reviews
    #4 ICanHazH34DSH0T, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  5. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
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    No. Don't listen to this guy. Weapon list's are pointless and hard to make.
    It takes away the fun of the game too, because you know what and where the wepons are........and that's stupid.

    Ooh btw, nice map.
    Work on some interlocking next time.
  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No... weapon lists make your post look better and the weapons on a map make or break the map. When I first got Halo 3, I went through every map in Forge to see where everything was so I could familiarize myself with the map. I found where all the weapons are so I didn't spend my first few games on each map finding out where everything is.
    Weapon lists let people looking at the post see if there is an overload of power weapons. So a weapons list let people partly do the above step.
    And if you think weapon lists are hard to make, then you are the laziest person I have ever met. And your comment about the map was completely useless... way to go.

    As for the map. I only see one path from the bases to the center part of the map. This is generally not a good thing. It tends to make gameplay repetitive. I would suggest making alternate pathways from the base to the center structure. Maybe make a path from the bases to the laser spawn and the other side of the center to make gameplay more interesting. Your forging is good though, if a little bit sloppy in some places. Looking forward to a v2.

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