Ruins of A'kron The Spartans have found themselves stranded on a new world. Both Red and Blue have tried to rebuild a base for themselves from the ruins of the once great city of A'kron. Obviously, each side will build their base differently, yet both will try to mimic the other so that neither side has an advantage. After fighting for a great while, both sides decided that the key to fighting in this new world would be in the middle. The Red team decided to create a unique bunker for themselves, while the Blue just took over some old rubble. The user now finds himself caught in this battle of red vs. blue. Will you be the one to lead your team to the flag and ultimately to glory? The choice is yours. Overview 1 Overview 2 Fighting in the Ruins Middle Bunker This map is currently only set up for CTF. It is one of my favorite gametypes to play. I will be hopefully setting up new game types in the future. Key Features Each side will start in a spawn room with three battle rifles and one shotgun. From there, each base contains 1 battle rifle, 1 brute shot, 1 needler, 1 sniper, and 1 power drain. (Remember though that this is an asymmetrical map so the locations are slightly different for these weapons. I have also only included 1 rocket launcher high off to one side. With the relative openness of this map both the laser and missile pod always seem to be too overpowering. Download me: : Halo 3 File Details This is my first map and my first post. Please feel free to let me know if I did anything wrong and what you like and do not like about my map. I also love to watch videos of people playing my map so that I can rework certain areas where people always seem to get smoked.
For a first map this is quite something, I'll DL now and give you some proper feedback later. So I've Dled and had a forge around, whilst I am impressed that this is your first map it still bears the hallmarks of a beginner. The layout is probably the best aspect of this map and I especially like the middle bunker although I would try and be a bit more creative with ways in getting up to the top rather than just a grav lift. The bases have a decent layout but its a bit simple, the enclosure design is too confined and with only one entrance/exit that just creates a bottleneck for the vehicles and I'd put more cover on the top level as thats very open. One last thing about the layout, the 'ruins' ,especially those in the dunes, are too random and are scattered everywhere. It doesn't seem like you have considered a balance of ruins for each team and this will result in an advantage for one team. With regards to the forging, it appears that you've applied yourself to some areas and not really bothered with others. The bases are decently forged (theres a few gaps in the walls on the outside) but the wooden planks leading to the sniper towers aren't interlocked and are quite jagged. Most of the lax forging was purely detrimental to the aesthetics rather than the gameplay but its always nice when a map looks clean. Finally, something which is very difficult to get the hand of - spawns. It says that you have placed 16 starting points on the map, I had a look on CTF and Slayer gametypes and couldn't find any so I gave up trying to find them. However something I could see were your respawn points, most of which were nearly always directly behind a large object so you spawned looking at a stone wall. This is not good and you need to have your spawns set up so they have at least 2 possible routes visible to them with some available cover nearby in order to prevent spawn camping/killing. Your going to need a lot more respawn points than you currently have, I didn't count but I'd say you'd need at least 20 more. There are other little tidbits which I could mention but I think thats enough for now, if you need any help with the stuff I mentioned above or any other problems then feel free to message me on here and I'll gladly help you out. It seems you do have potential as this is great for a first map so I hope you keep forging!
thanks Thank you for the advice so far. The only main question that I will need help with is that for some reason the map only let me place 20 respawn points. I will def. look at the ones I have already placed, but for some reason the map said "unable to place any more". It had something to do with the maximum already being on the map. If you have any advice on this I would greatly appreciate it. Once again, thanks for the criticisms and the praises.
Could you place a weapons/vehicles/equipment list on this, it really helps people to decide on downloading the map. Still it is amazing that you followed all rules in you first post. Look in forge 101 forum for budget glitching and geomerging techniques. I know it may not fit the story of your map, however, adding vehicles would make this a good big team battle map. The cover is especially interesting because of the number of movable objects placed, which I think will make this very fun to play. Also there should be more than one way to access the bases, such as a ramp to the top.
Good map The bunker and your base are very cool but you have to much of cover for a warthog ! So remove this !
Weapons For those of you who have been asking: here is a detailed list of weapons on this map. I am currently still working on updating the spawning system. Blue Base 4 Battle Rifles 1 Brute Shot 1 Needler 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Shotgun 1 Power Drain Red Base 4 Battle Rifles 1 Brute Shot 1 Needler 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Shotgun 1 Power Drain Middle Bunker 2 Battle Rifles Middle Ruins 2 Battle Rifles Middle of the Battlefield 1 Gravity Lift